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Eurobike 2015

If you could redesign the QR thru-axle, what would you come up with? Darrel Voss from NAILD came up with this clever take that ensures correct installation every time (because not everyone does it right). As noted on the lever, the 12, 3 and 9 o'clock positions are an easy reference to guide you through the steps, making it a bit more user friendly than other designs.

Here it is in action. It's easy enough to use that we could do it one handed while filming with the other:

It has go/no-go features built in at every step in the process. See how we couldn't turn it 90-degrees until fully inserted? These safety checks ensure it goes in right every time.

Marin has exclusive rights to the system for a limited time, after which you'll likely start to see it on other bikes.

The system is also neat because it ensures consistent tension, eliminating misaligned brakes. Additional security is provided by the color coded LOCIT trigger that prevents the lever from opening unless deliberately depressed.

Brandon Turman


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