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POC Otocon Race MIPS Full Face Helmet
Overall Review
The lightweight, ventilated full face helmet category has really come into its own over the last few years, owing in no small measure to the ever-increasing popularity of the enduro racing format but also to the kind of riding that a modern mountain bike unlocks access to. Even trail bikes will tackle some pretty rowdy terrain these days, and more and more riders find themselves wanting a bit more protection without the bulk and the warmth of a classic full face. POC makes some really nice helmets, but there was a distinct hole in the line-up between the Coron full face and the Tectal / Kortal...
Posted by iceman2058 on 3/22/2022 2:35am
POC Oseus VPD Knee Pad
Vital Review
Overall Review
The best protection is the one you’re willing to wear when you ride. Much of the work done by protection companies over the past few years seems centered around this concept, as the race is on to produce guards that can be pedaled around in all day yet offer enough protection to make a difference when you actually crash. POC’s Oseus knee guard falls straight into this category, with a level 2 certified pad housed in a comfortable and pedal friendly slip-on design. As part of our ongoing and seemingly never-ending search for the perfect pair of kneepads, we’ve had the Oseus out on the trail for...
Posted by iceman2058 on 2/9/2022 4:39am