MTB Tech Rumors and Innovation

1/9/2025 2:16pm

Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by Jason into talking about it)

There must be more brands than schwalbe working on this technology for sure

IMG 5999 0
Sturdivant, MO US
1/9/2025 2:21pm
Robstyle wrote:
The Atherton does look to have a high belt line which is interesting. Could be a normal idler bike or 1 belt and 1 chain. I...

The Atherton does look to have a high belt line which is interesting. Could be a normal idler bike or 1 belt and 1 chain. I would think that a small belt would be super inefficient, dunno I've not felt the belts they use. 

MrDuck wrote:
Don't they claim belts are more efficient under load? Interestingly on my G3 it feels like the force to bend it around all the cogs and...

Don't they claim belts are more efficient under load? Interestingly on my G3 it feels like the force to bend it around all the cogs and pulleys is noticeable, but when I increase belt tension to recommendation for MTB, it seems to spin much easier. 


2 belts would technically have the same number of bends if there's no additional tension pulley, so the energy loss should be similar. I think it's much easier to design with a single belt and a tension pulley though..maybe just because I'm used to looking at it too much!

dolface wrote:
Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting...

Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting points for it (which requires changing tube lengths etc.)?

I guess Athertons using this also for ebike development more so than DH bike sales

1/9/2025 2:35pm
What if the Atherton bike is a belt driven gearbox bike with the same suspension as the Pivot Phoenix, But instead of 2 chains, it uses...

What if the Atherton bike is a belt driven gearbox bike with the same suspension as the Pivot Phoenix, But instead of 2 chains, it uses 2 belts?  

Just a minute… would that mean, if they used your described configuration, AND won an elite WC, that Gates would give them… TWO hundred thousand dollars?!?

1/9/2025 3:19pm
Something everyone has to realize about UBM and UDH is that SRAM is in the business of selling OEM to massive bike companies. Anything SRAM can...

Something everyone has to realize about UBM and UDH is that SRAM is in the business of selling OEM to massive bike companies. Anything SRAM can do to make the process faster and cheaper/better for the OEMs is seen as a win. In the case of Transmission/wireless drivetrains, that is a WIN for OEMs. Say they can shave -5-10 minutes a bike not having to deal with cables, setting stops, tension, etc. They can install a Transmission drivetrain in <5mins, vs. say 10-12min for a cable-actuated version. Now, multiply that times 20,000 MTB builds and you have million(s) of dollars of wages to workers saved. Also, they can make frames cheaper and lighter (dropping things like tube-in-tube, cable ports molded in frames, etc.) *they keep MSRP of frame the same which increases per frame margin (profit).  

UBM is likely the same. This will allow frame manufacturers to make frames say $25 cheaper. Now multiply that times 40,000 MTB frames and that's a quick $1 million savings a year. AND the brake posts will be better aligned, and changing rotor sizes will be easier (and faster during OEM builds, as well as they won't need to waste time with washers/longer bolts, etc.).  

People think too much from the end consumer or OEM. SRAM is wisely playing to the OEMs with a lot of these moves. AND it also greatly benefits the customer in the long run. UDH is awesome; it's solved the RD hanger problem. AND it allows for direct mount which is a far superior system in terms of robustness and shifting precision.  

But there are a few people who don’t want any batteries on their bike. 

1/9/2025 3:29pm
Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by...

Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by Jason into talking about it)

There must be more brands than schwalbe working on this technology for sure

IMG 5999 0

If I recall that brief conversation correctly, Dak was suggesting he was able to run lower pressures than normal with the new casing. My understanding of the way the shwalbe radial's work is you end up running higher pressure.

I don't know anything about tires though so maybe they are and its just different.

1/9/2025 3:39pm
Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by...

Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by Jason into talking about it)

There must be more brands than schwalbe working on this technology for sure

IMG 5999 0

That damn Schroeder always using his Jedi mind tricks to get Dak to spill the beans! 

1/9/2025 3:55pm

I know there’s a lot going on today with belt drives and pull shocks but how about silver rims?

1/9/2025 4:19pm Edited Date/Time 1/9/2025 4:20pm
jofish wrote:

I know there’s a lot going on today with belt drives and pull shocks but how about silver rims?

I for one, am fully in favor of the increased availability of silver components (and I guess I should take some pics of my bike and post them in Bike Checks)

1/9/2025 4:37pm
jofish wrote:

I know there’s a lot going on today with belt drives and pull shocks but how about silver rims?

Hnnnnnngggggggggggg I need those silver rims! 

1/9/2025 4:48pm
Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by...

Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by Jason into talking about it)

There must be more brands than schwalbe working on this technology for sure

IMG 5999 0

Since they're asking what you would name a new tire, that might be a new tread pattern. 
That said, they soft-released the new DH casing with the new High Roller III, but they didn't really make any news about it. 

I'm assuming they're waiting until it's in all the DH-related tires (Assegai, DHR2) first. Which will be this spring. 

This new casing has been in the works for a couple of years and is not a 'Radial'. It likely achieves something a little similar in that you have stiffer sidewalls for support, so you can run a bit lower pressures which would make the top of the tire that contacts the group a touch softer. That said, Maxxis (along with all the other brands) are already looking at Radial prototypes/new fiber angles for their future designs. 

1/9/2025 5:02pm
smelly wrote:
What I want to know, amongst this discussion of a UBH, is who the hell is managing to strip their brake mount threads? Good lord. You pull...

What I want to know, amongst this discussion of a UBH, is who the hell is managing to strip their brake mount threads? 

Good lord. You pull that off, you probably shouldn’t use a stove or knife, either. 

DServy wrote:
I mean, I've cross-threaded a brake mount post on a bike made of swiss cheese before. Wasn't my proudest moment holding a wrench, and it just...

I mean, I've cross-threaded a brake mount post on a bike made of swiss cheese before. Wasn't my proudest moment holding a wrench, and it just required a retap. 

I also saw someone who came in with the bolts sheared into their brake post mount after a "particularly odd" crash. 

I'm just saying, the more parts are replaceable the better. 

ballz wrote:
I loved this little detail on the DHR.The frame was so nicely executed, still my fav DW-Link packaging.

I loved this little detail on the DHR.

2011 Turner DHR Review – REDUX

The frame was so nicely executed, still my fav DW-Link packaging.

That barrel nut mount design can still be found today... on Atherton A-series frames.

1/9/2025 5:55pm
Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by...

Could this be a maxxis radial casing of some sort? Heard a lot about something new from maxxis in the b-practice (mostly Dak being tricked by Jason into talking about it)

There must be more brands than schwalbe working on this technology for sure

IMG 5999 0

The angular line in the sidewall from the tread to the rim, isn't that the hallmark of a bias ply, as in the ply is cut on the bias?

Not to say this isn't a radial tire but that would be what I would think would be a give away. 

1/9/2025 9:59pm
dolface wrote:
Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting...

Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting points for it (which requires changing tube lengths etc.)?

I've actually put a lot of thought into it since I have a few frames with broken front triangles, pretty good idea what I want and an idea I'd use one of the rear ends with a "homemade" front triangle. I mean sort of "home design, mate made" because my welds look more like pop corn than anything I'd ride. 

The biggest limitation I see is main pivot placement. A high pivot would be fairly easy, but the broken frames I have both have a pivot close to the BB. So the main pivot would need to be moved about 20mm up to accomodate a gearbox. Could sort of "tilt" it and call it high pivot! Smile  

Depending on the frame I think it's doable on some, but you're either making a front triangle, or modifying it with just as much expertise needed, if not more. 

1/9/2025 10:13pm

Yeah, integrating a gearbox is mostly a question of do the original pivots clear or do you need a complete new rear end to handle the change in kinematics. 

As for silver rims, yes please. 

1/9/2025 11:14pm
Some thoughts regarding that USD-fork-rumor: back when Fox decided against their USD-proto entering series production, they explained they couldn’t make it stiff enough without making it...

Some thoughts regarding that USD-fork-rumor: back when Fox decided against their USD-proto entering series production, they explained they couldn’t make it stiff enough without making it extra heavy with the current-for-that-time tech available. But that was, I think, the time when they were raving about having the stiffest dh-fork on the market - a feat that ended up being not so perfect as some needed flex proved to be beneficial to the riding feel. Since then they’ve incorporated some into their forks, production technologies have made incredible leaps since, so putting 2+2, my bet is on Fox trying to USD-fy their 40 for the second time! Smile

sethimus wrote:

if a small company like intend can do it, fox can do it. just don't expect the same level of detail from a mass produced product

Primoz wrote:
It's not a question of doing, it's a question of selling it. What's the first thing people think when they see a Dorado? I bet it's...

It's not a question of doing, it's a question of selling it. What's the first thing people think when they see a Dorado? I bet it's something along the lines of "that has to be flexy". Visual perception has a lot to do with how we buy products, even if it doesn't make any sense. 

It's more a matter of how one thinks - now, for example, when I see a Dorado (which is often as i own one :D ), my first thought is "shit, that's gonna work beautifully!" (which it does - under yours truelly and under every person i've met that owns a Dorado). 

As for selling it, if it's indeed Fox, no worries then - we're talking the company with probably the best marketing department! :D

If they are indeed putting out a USD fork, they'll think of strong points for it that Manitou hasn't thought about in all the decades they've been making the Dorado! :D 

1/9/2025 11:17pm
dolface wrote:
Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting...

Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting points for it (which requires changing tube lengths etc.)?

MrDuck wrote:
I've actually put a lot of thought into it since I have a few frames with broken front triangles, pretty good idea what I want and...

I've actually put a lot of thought into it since I have a few frames with broken front triangles, pretty good idea what I want and an idea I'd use one of the rear ends with a "homemade" front triangle. I mean sort of "home design, mate made" because my welds look more like pop corn than anything I'd ride. 

The biggest limitation I see is main pivot placement. A high pivot would be fairly easy, but the broken frames I have both have a pivot close to the BB. So the main pivot would need to be moved about 20mm up to accomodate a gearbox. Could sort of "tilt" it and call it high pivot! Smile  

Depending on the frame I think it's doable on some, but you're either making a front triangle, or modifying it with just as much expertise needed, if not more. 

You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon mentioning them, what happened to them? 

1/10/2025 12:00am

They are working on it and they have a patent on it. 

1/10/2025 12:40am
dolface wrote:
Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting...

Possibly naive question; how hard is it to adapt an existing frame design to accommodate a gearbox?  Are there other considerations besides creating space and mounting points for it (which requires changing tube lengths etc.)?

MrDuck wrote:
I've actually put a lot of thought into it since I have a few frames with broken front triangles, pretty good idea what I want and...

I've actually put a lot of thought into it since I have a few frames with broken front triangles, pretty good idea what I want and an idea I'd use one of the rear ends with a "homemade" front triangle. I mean sort of "home design, mate made" because my welds look more like pop corn than anything I'd ride. 

The biggest limitation I see is main pivot placement. A high pivot would be fairly easy, but the broken frames I have both have a pivot close to the BB. So the main pivot would need to be moved about 20mm up to accomodate a gearbox. Could sort of "tilt" it and call it high pivot! Smile  

Depending on the frame I think it's doable on some, but you're either making a front triangle, or modifying it with just as much expertise needed, if not more. 

You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon...

You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon mentioning them, what happened to them? 

Vampire is close to launching. Chris Canfield was at the factory a few months back doing QC before putting the bikes on a boat. Should be any week now for the Fasterossa to go on sale!

Bentonville, AR US
1/10/2025 6:32am
MrDuck wrote:
I've actually put a lot of thought into it since I have a few frames with broken front triangles, pretty good idea what I want and...

I've actually put a lot of thought into it since I have a few frames with broken front triangles, pretty good idea what I want and an idea I'd use one of the rear ends with a "homemade" front triangle. I mean sort of "home design, mate made" because my welds look more like pop corn than anything I'd ride. 

The biggest limitation I see is main pivot placement. A high pivot would be fairly easy, but the broken frames I have both have a pivot close to the BB. So the main pivot would need to be moved about 20mm up to accomodate a gearbox. Could sort of "tilt" it and call it high pivot! Smile  

Depending on the frame I think it's doable on some, but you're either making a front triangle, or modifying it with just as much expertise needed, if not more. 

You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon...

You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon mentioning them, what happened to them? 

Lacanuck24 wrote:
Vampire is close to launching. Chris Canfield was at the factory a few months back doing QC before putting the bikes on a boat. Should be...

Vampire is close to launching. Chris Canfield was at the factory a few months back doing QC before putting the bikes on a boat. Should be any week now for the Fasterossa to go on sale!

It kind of sounds like they may all be spoken for already too. People have been messaging him to get in line and it sounds like he may not even have to post them for sale. They may already be gone before they get in.

Norristown, PA US
1/10/2025 7:41am
You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon...

You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon mentioning them, what happened to them? 

Lacanuck24 wrote:
Vampire is close to launching. Chris Canfield was at the factory a few months back doing QC before putting the bikes on a boat. Should be...

Vampire is close to launching. Chris Canfield was at the factory a few months back doing QC before putting the bikes on a boat. Should be any week now for the Fasterossa to go on sale!

Cougar797 wrote:
It kind of sounds like they may all be spoken for already too. People have been messaging him to get in line and it sounds like...

It kind of sounds like they may all be spoken for already too. People have been messaging him to get in line and it sounds like he may not even have to post them for sale. They may already be gone before they get in.

Given the state of the industry that's not a bad problem to have

Orem, UT US
1/10/2025 7:42am
You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon...

You might be onto something - a front triangle with several different main pivot locations a la Vampire Bikes proto would be a great option. Upon mentioning them, what happened to them? 

Lacanuck24 wrote:
Vampire is close to launching. Chris Canfield was at the factory a few months back doing QC before putting the bikes on a boat. Should be...

Vampire is close to launching. Chris Canfield was at the factory a few months back doing QC before putting the bikes on a boat. Should be any week now for the Fasterossa to go on sale!

Cougar797 wrote:
It kind of sounds like they may all be spoken for already too. People have been messaging him to get in line and it sounds like...

It kind of sounds like they may all be spoken for already too. People have been messaging him to get in line and it sounds like he may not even have to post them for sale. They may already be gone before they get in.

I've been following the vampire stuff very closely since launch, even got my name down for a frame a while back. Not sure if I'll go through with it, as I'm very happy with my current bike I built recently. The most up to date information can be found on the vampire mtbr forum, from what is available it'll be a pretty awesome bike, and frames just got to Chris in Utah last week.

And on the topic of silver wheelsets, I've been hoping Crankbrothers will release the silver wheelset that is currently OEM only to the end consumer. They look incredible on that YT Jeffsy model.

1/10/2025 8:06am

I also suspect that SRAM told bike manufacturers that UDH was going to be required for future drivetrains (Transmission) even though the general public wasn't told. 

Simcik wrote:
Maybe some but not all. I was PM at Canfield Bikes when UDH was announced and that detail was not started. I suspected there was more...

Maybe some but not all. I was PM at Canfield Bikes when UDH was announced and that detail was not started. I suspected there was more to the story than selling $15 retail derailleur hangers.

Uhm SRAM started telling brands early in the 2019 that UDH was going to be a thing and new drivetrain developments would use udh

1/10/2025 8:13am

I also suspect that SRAM told bike manufacturers that UDH was going to be required for future drivetrains (Transmission) even though the general public wasn't told. 

Simcik wrote:
Maybe some but not all. I was PM at Canfield Bikes when UDH was announced and that detail was not started. I suspected there was more...

Maybe some but not all. I was PM at Canfield Bikes when UDH was announced and that detail was not started. I suspected there was more to the story than selling $15 retail derailleur hangers.

Uhm SRAM started telling brands early in the 2019 that UDH was going to be a thing and new drivetrain developments would use udh

UDH was on the trek Slash gen 5 in early 2019 prototypes.. which means Sram was planning it before that

1/10/2025 8:39am
boozed wrote:

That barrel nut mount design can still be found today... on Atherton A-series frames.

Nicolai might want to have word with you.


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