Rancho Cucamonga, CA
Edited Date/Time
9/26/2022 3:34am
I recently bought a Michelin DH34 bike park for the rear of my DH bike and even the bike park compound is by far the grippiest tire I have ever ridden! It’s so grippy the the rear has way more traction than the front (DHf maxxgrip) ! This tread pattern is the only thing I’ve found that puts a DHF / DHR to shame! I’d love to try the DH22 and DH34 magi x up front! Sidewalls are stiff strong and don’t leak air! this tire is also extremely predictable! The rubber rebounds slow and the long aggressive side knobs hold a line better than anything I’ve tried! I’m torn between a high grip DH22 or DH34 up front if anyone has ridden those tires I’d love to hear about it! I'd love to see Vital review the new Michelin DH line!

I have been a huge fan of the Wild Enduro Front for a long time. I prefer the harder gumX compound as I ride huge amounts of vert in the Alps all year. For the second half of this summer I ran a gumX Rock r2 on the rear which has worn really well, it climbs nicely and gripped impressively on the downs. It's heavier than EXO, but lighter than DD which has worked for me. I'm pretty light.
I too am confused by their sales.
Even in France they are hard to come by. Even the two big online shops don't have their DH tyres.
The website however is true Français, it's terrible. Unfortunately, French can't do websites.
Toning down the logos on the DH MAGI-X tires wouldn't be a bad idea either! I think the logos on the Enduro tires look great!
Only complaint is they are so stiff i cannot get a cushcore insert in, with a dtswiss FR560 rim its borderline impossible (im sure someone can do it, but i cant) i can damage a rim pretty good with a metal tyre lever and destroy the rim tape inside but i cant get the tyre on with the cushcore in.
Cushcore front and rear in mine! but i definitely put a hole in the rim tape in the rear one so i'll need to re-do it ='[ that's what i get for rushing.
These DHs rubber wears very good.. the dont tear off like some wil enduro MagiX (when used in the rear)..cheers
here are my thoughts on the dh34. Super grippy but fast wearing. A good race tire
As for you buying them from Cambria I bought two more aswell, these tires are friggin GREAT! I'd like to hear what you think of them after you get so time on yours! I tested it back to back with a DHR 2 by switching wheels in between runs, and one thing I noticed is if I accidently dropped the DHR 2 into a rain rut it would stay in there but with the DH34 it would claw its way out of the rut!!! I was thoroughly impressed with that. I think that has to do with the offset (serrated) side knobs.
If anyone has any experience with a DH22 and DH34 up front in Magi-x , i'd like to hear which one your prefer as a front and why.
First proper post here.
Currently running a set of front and rear Wild Enduros with Rimpact inserts. Really enjoying the grip, striking all round balance and also quite fast rolling for what they are. However, finding them a bit too fragile, rear one already has several slashes and the rear one lacks the damped, muted feel of a heavier tyre. Also have some burps, even at 28psi.
Looking for a new set of tyres, particularly DHR2 DH (f+r), Assegai DH (F+R) or either the DH22 or DH34. Would like to ditch the inserts if possible as well.
Thing is, I also have to climb a good deal. With my current Wild Enduros I can pretty much pedal whatever is needed, done 70km days and climbed over 1500m without any issues. I wonder, anyone here has Michelin DH22 or DH34 on a bike that needs to pedal?
I've tried a bike with dual DH DHR2s, insert only in the back, and found it no worse at climbing than mine. Wonder if the Michelins are that worse
I would live a Wild in DH casing as I like the predictability of these (in their flimsier casing).
They were noticably harder than the Gum-X nobs on the Rear one. And they stayed harder even after being kept in a boiler room over night.
Previously I had a Magic Mary up front and a Hans Dampf up rear (both with snake skin casing).
I didn't noticed any improvement in my battery liferange as the Michelin tyre coumpond is certainly firmer but heavier as well.
The grip is really good on both packed and loose terrain, I was riding in deep snow and in muddy conditions with same confidence as if I had mud tyres.
I was able to go uphill on packed snow on ski slopes with same performace as my friends equiped with mud tyres.
On wet rocks/slabs, this Michelin tyre is not the best choice, the coumpond is really hard and can't catch up with Schwalbe Addix Soft rubber.
I had no flat, the tyre is still in really good conditions considering how much I rode with it. Definitly a tyre company to consider, the tyre pattern is well designed.
On last regret : in my oprinion the branding is too big on theses tyres.
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