Is it a big deal that Sam Hill is racing a 29er for the first time at an Enduro World Series? We're not sure. 29ers are clearly fast in most situations, they're plenty nimble under the right riders, so again, is it a big deal that Sam Hill is on one? If Sambo swapped to clipless pedals, the world would definitely implode from the inside out, so maybe this wheel size diameter increase will only cause a local tornado somewhere.
No matter what any of us think, we're not Sam Hill, so it kinda doesn't matter. We're not trying win Enduro World Series races and our internet dorkery means nothing when the results land. If Sam botches it, we'll blame the wheels. If he crushes it, we'll blame the wheels, so as fans, we can't be wrong. (We do wonder if he's messed with the 69er thing at all though).
Photos by @maddogboris, interview by Sven Martin
Sam's Mechanic, Jacy Shumilak in the audio

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