So how'd they pull off an inverted design that's stiff? Through a combination of what they're calling the Gold-E-Lock system and 20mm LockX thru-axle system, the fork is reportedly stiffer both front-to-back and torsionally than anything else on the single crown market. Yes, even than a FOX 36, according to X-Fusion.
Gold-E-Lock uses a unique trilateral stainless steel keyway system on the sides of the uppers and stanchion to limit the effects of torsion. The keyways are fully lubed and floating in oil to prevent biding. If you remove the axle and wheel, you're not not able to spin the stanchions/dropouts like other inverted designs.
Curios to see if they were all talk, we wrenched on the fork and wheel with all our might. Other than the spokes flexing a bit, it barely budged. Weight is 4.5-pounds.
INTERBIKE: Part 2 - Some of the Latest and Greatest for 2014
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