1/10/2024 9:52am Edited Date/Time 1/10/2024 9:53am
Danny Hart Norco?? Crestline??? Forbidden???

Imagem WhatsApp 2024-01-10 %C3%A0s 17.35.06 ac79da42

Danny Hart

Norco?? Crestline??? Forbidden???


Has already been discussed on pages 80-81 - rental? loaner? testing a possible bike for 2024?

Fayetteville, AR US
1/10/2024 9:53am Edited Date/Time 1/10/2024 9:58am
Gwin to Southern Gravity Racing along with a couple of juniors and a up and rising elite men's rider.   Heard it straight from one of Sean's...

Gwin to Southern Gravity Racing along with a couple of juniors and a up and rising elite men's rider.  

Heard it straight from one of Sean's pigs in exchange for some kitchen scraps.


pheller wrote:
I can believe this. But on what frame?  It would make complete sense that Gwin builds a team with a homebase in the southeast and at...

I can believe this. But on what frame? 

It would make complete sense that Gwin builds a team with a homebase in the southeast and at Windrock. Windrock Racing or Southern Gravity. 

But for a top 20 rider like Gwin there has gotta be money in it or else he'll just commentate. Unless we don't think Gwin is a top 20 rider anymore...

1) I think the OP was a joke

2) Southern Gravity are racing frames by the same name, from what I understand. Sean Leader, inspired by Neko and asissisted by the owner of Ferum Bikes, has started making his own frames, which he is going to sell out of his bike shop (also of the same name, I believe). 

3) Information on Southern Gravity, their frames, and team are all on the Trail Aeffect podcast episode with Sean Leader. I know that Jack Pederson is going to ride for them this year as well as a bunch of juniors. Think they're mainly doing races in the US.


1/10/2024 9:56am
Danny Hart Norco?? Crestline??? Forbidden???

Imagem WhatsApp 2024-01-10 %C3%A0s 17.35.06 ac79da42

Danny Hart

Norco?? Crestline??? Forbidden???


Has already been discussed on pages 80-81 - rental? loaner? testing a possible bike for 2024?

He is also wearing Nukeproof kit on his latest Instagram story.. 

Screenshot 20240110-175526

Bumfuck, WI US
1/10/2024 9:56am
JBD wrote:

Gotta be Zerode?

Johnboy wrote:

Would be fitting being a Kiwi brand. 

But imagine Gwin to Yeti with Blenki as well, that would be some real nostalgic full circle shit... 

How much money do you guys think Yeti has? I'm guessing they're doing everything they can to continue paying Richie's salary and bonuses. My bet for...

How much money do you guys think Yeti has? I'm guessing they're doing everything they can to continue paying Richie's salary and bonuses. My bet for Gwin is he'll go to a brand looking for product development on their frame as that's what he's done for the majority of his career (and is also part of why his deals have been so lucrative).

That's a good point, I have a hard time imagining Yeti being able to flip the bill for Aaron & RR. 

That'd be cool if he Aaron linked up with an American brand with a prototype DH bike; Fezzari (KHS..??) & Revel come to mind. Highly unlikely, but I don't think there have been many suggestions as to where he'll end up. Maybe he'll fill Blenki's spot on Crestline? 

When in doubt, the #GwinToHuffy rumor never fails

Sandia Park, NM US
1/10/2024 9:57am
Gwin to Southern Gravity Racing along with a couple of juniors and a up and rising elite men's rider.   Heard it straight from one of Sean's...

Gwin to Southern Gravity Racing along with a couple of juniors and a up and rising elite men's rider.  

Heard it straight from one of Sean's pigs in exchange for some kitchen scraps.


pheller wrote:
I can believe this. But on what frame?  It would make complete sense that Gwin builds a team with a homebase in the southeast and at...

I can believe this. But on what frame? 

It would make complete sense that Gwin builds a team with a homebase in the southeast and at Windrock. Windrock Racing or Southern Gravity. 

But for a top 20 rider like Gwin there has gotta be money in it or else he'll just commentate. Unless we don't think Gwin is a top 20 rider anymore...

From the Downtime Podcast interview with Gwin in November, it sounded to me like he isn't all that interested in being away from home if he isn't racing.

It makes total sense that if he feels that he won't be healthy enough to be competitive on the WC circuit that maybe he'll focus on building domestic talent and the USDH scene.

1/10/2024 9:59am

I'm speculating a new team for Gwin on Intense frames. I can't believe he spent all that time riding VPP that he didn't like, only to develop a trek session clone (but uglier), then to develop what appears to be a refined, race-ready, good looking frame, only to never race it once at world cups and then move on. 

Bristol GB
1/10/2024 10:27am
Danny Hart on jenna's vlog

Danny Hart on jenna's vlogimage-20240110151857-1

Again....already been discussed. Is a Nukeproof. Possible loaner or testing for potential ride for the year

1/10/2024 10:27am

To add to some of the Gwin discussion here... 
-In his "Goodbye Post" to Intense/IFR it doesn't sound like he wanted the party to end. "We definitely had our challenges at times but I’m proud of where we ended up and I feel we were getting really close to our goal of being a consistent, winning, program again." To me that says, 'we didn't reach our goal, but were about to, with one more contract re-up'.  

-They likely pulled funding for his Intense Factory Racing team. Which IF they officially signed Dak and renewed Gwin & Joe, you'd be looking at a $1million+/yr cost for the team (including all team expenses, etc.) They opted to drop IFR, start their own program, run by John Hall (who's now salaried) and probably cut their spend to $500k for 4 riders, for the season. 

-Regarding Gwin to Yeti. Sounds likely, would be great, but I do see the two issues.
1. They don't have the budget for Rude and Gwin under the same stable. Unless Gwin agrees to a big pay cut. Which I doubt he would. So the 'funding' has to come from somewhere. As has been said, they may give him a deal where he gets a salary then 5% cut of every DH rig sold in the next 5 years (which still wouldn't be a lot of money) plus 1% of every trail or e-bike bike sold in the next 5 years (which could move the needle). 
2. The frame is already set in carbon. Gwin is notorious (rightfully so) for bike/product development. He struggled for a while on Specialized because he was in between sizes, etc. I highly doubt he'd just get on that Yeti and be like, "Yep, perfect, time to go racing". He'd for sure want to change angles, kinematics, etc. Which means Yeti would have to open a new carbon mold. OR, keep his bike in aluminum as a mule but then they can't sell/monetize the carbon frame they have ready for production right now. That said, if the carbon bike we see, is not actually a production mold, and rather something in-house, that is one size only. They could definitely make changes and do new molds for the 'Gwin tweaked' version of the DH frame, for sale in late 2024 or 2025. 


1/10/2024 10:37am

Something I haven't seen discussed re: Minnaar is that on the PB podcast/interview he confirmed what happened at Fort Bill Worlds last year. Wasn't a tire goof up, was delay in getting him an extended rain visor and longer mud fender on his bike, to the point it was 30s before he dropped in that he was finally sitting on his bike, and this screwed up his focus (understandably). Could have been what led to the mechanic switch from Lyle to Tom? Also lots of hints at a general vibe/organizational change at the Syndicate in the past year or two since SC/Pon took over the team from Roskopp/Kathy. 

Hendersonville, NC US
1/10/2024 10:38am
To add to some of the Gwin discussion here...  -In his "Goodbye Post" to Intense/IFR it doesn't sound like he wanted the party to end. "We...

To add to some of the Gwin discussion here... 
-In his "Goodbye Post" to Intense/IFR it doesn't sound like he wanted the party to end. "We definitely had our challenges at times but I’m proud of where we ended up and I feel we were getting really close to our goal of being a consistent, winning, program again." To me that says, 'we didn't reach our goal, but were about to, with one more contract re-up'.  

-They likely pulled funding for his Intense Factory Racing team. Which IF they officially signed Dak and renewed Gwin & Joe, you'd be looking at a $1million+/yr cost for the team (including all team expenses, etc.) They opted to drop IFR, start their own program, run by John Hall (who's now salaried) and probably cut their spend to $500k for 4 riders, for the season. 

-Regarding Gwin to Yeti. Sounds likely, would be great, but I do see the two issues.
1. They don't have the budget for Rude and Gwin under the same stable. Unless Gwin agrees to a big pay cut. Which I doubt he would. So the 'funding' has to come from somewhere. As has been said, they may give him a deal where he gets a salary then 5% cut of every DH rig sold in the next 5 years (which still wouldn't be a lot of money) plus 1% of every trail or e-bike bike sold in the next 5 years (which could move the needle). 
2. The frame is already set in carbon. Gwin is notorious (rightfully so) for bike/product development. He struggled for a while on Specialized because he was in between sizes, etc. I highly doubt he'd just get on that Yeti and be like, "Yep, perfect, time to go racing". He'd for sure want to change angles, kinematics, etc. Which means Yeti would have to open a new carbon mold. OR, keep his bike in aluminum as a mule but then they can't sell/monetize the carbon frame they have ready for production right now. That said, if the carbon bike we see, is not actually a production mold, and rather something in-house, that is one size only. They could definitely make changes and do new molds for the 'Gwin tweaked' version of the DH frame, for sale in late 2024 or 2025. 


I'm actually wondering if Gwin was bought out of his ownership. Maybe he decided he wanted a lifestyle change, and as part of the Windrock purchase he sold stake in Intense. So he would have wanted to make some progress, felt like they were getting somewhere, but after 5 years made the tough decision to move on because it was taking too long. 

1/10/2024 10:40am
JBD wrote:

Anyone thrown Windrock Racing out there for Gwin? Like Pinkbike Racing but you know, Windrock. 

Gwindrock ..


North Vancouver, BC CA
1/10/2024 10:40am

Gwin starts his own team AG SRAM Racing and on We Are One new development DH frame. Him plus some Jr's. Sets him up to run his own team post retirement and develop jr racers. SRAM puts in the big bucks to make it happen.

1/10/2024 10:44am

Gwin on Yeti would be a big spend. They've already got Rude, Graves, and Hannah. Not to mention Kabush, Silva and Neer. 

Fezzari doesn't have any big name athletes. Are they big enough to fund an AG paycheck? 

I still think Rockshox/Sram Trek dissolving, and TFR not having an American riders might allow enough in the budget for Gwin. 

I do agree though, Gwin probably wants to ride the bike he developed but didn't get enough time on. 

Spokane, WA US
1/10/2024 10:50am
To add to some of the Gwin discussion here...  -In his "Goodbye Post" to Intense/IFR it doesn't sound like he wanted the party to end. "We...

To add to some of the Gwin discussion here... 
-In his "Goodbye Post" to Intense/IFR it doesn't sound like he wanted the party to end. "We definitely had our challenges at times but I’m proud of where we ended up and I feel we were getting really close to our goal of being a consistent, winning, program again." To me that says, 'we didn't reach our goal, but were about to, with one more contract re-up'.  

-They likely pulled funding for his Intense Factory Racing team. Which IF they officially signed Dak and renewed Gwin & Joe, you'd be looking at a $1million+/yr cost for the team (including all team expenses, etc.) They opted to drop IFR, start their own program, run by John Hall (who's now salaried) and probably cut their spend to $500k for 4 riders, for the season. 

-Regarding Gwin to Yeti. Sounds likely, would be great, but I do see the two issues.
1. They don't have the budget for Rude and Gwin under the same stable. Unless Gwin agrees to a big pay cut. Which I doubt he would. So the 'funding' has to come from somewhere. As has been said, they may give him a deal where he gets a salary then 5% cut of every DH rig sold in the next 5 years (which still wouldn't be a lot of money) plus 1% of every trail or e-bike bike sold in the next 5 years (which could move the needle). 
2. The frame is already set in carbon. Gwin is notorious (rightfully so) for bike/product development. He struggled for a while on Specialized because he was in between sizes, etc. I highly doubt he'd just get on that Yeti and be like, "Yep, perfect, time to go racing". He'd for sure want to change angles, kinematics, etc. Which means Yeti would have to open a new carbon mold. OR, keep his bike in aluminum as a mule but then they can't sell/monetize the carbon frame they have ready for production right now. That said, if the carbon bike we see, is not actually a production mold, and rather something in-house, that is one size only. They could definitely make changes and do new molds for the 'Gwin tweaked' version of the DH frame, for sale in late 2024 or 2025. 


Gwin won back to back on a production YT Tues that was untested on the WC stage. He tinkered with frame size but used parts to try and dial his fit in. It wasnt till year 3 i believe where they tried retrofitted 29er stuff. Even the Demo he won a overall on was relatively off the shelf besides different suspension links for progression changes. One could argue that it wasn't until he got to intense before his performance really started to be inconsistent but his sprinkled in injuries did not help either. 

If Gwin was to ride the Yeti it would definitely have to be under an outside title sponsor with Yeti supplying frames. Specialized Gravity runs the same way as does other. 

1/10/2024 11:16am
Endurhevia wrote:

Any guesses on the IFR blacked out racers? There is a woman there, also someone that looked very simmilar to Joe bredeen.

Louise Ferguson, Joe breeden, Seth Sherlock one of the Griffiths boys?

Fresh Prince of Bel Air, MD US
1/10/2024 11:27am
Endurhevia wrote:

Any guesses on the IFR blacked out racers? There is a woman there, also someone that looked very simmilar to Joe bredeen.

Louise Ferguson, Joe breeden, Seth Sherlock one of the Griffiths boys?

Ryan Pinkerton?  

1/10/2024 11:32am

Edgard Briole moving from Canyon to Commencal

San Diego, CA US
1/10/2024 11:33am
grambo wrote:
Something I haven't seen discussed re: Minnaar is that on the PB podcast/interview he confirmed what happened at Fort Bill Worlds last year. Wasn't a tire...

Something I haven't seen discussed re: Minnaar is that on the PB podcast/interview he confirmed what happened at Fort Bill Worlds last year. Wasn't a tire goof up, was delay in getting him an extended rain visor and longer mud fender on his bike, to the point it was 30s before he dropped in that he was finally sitting on his bike, and this screwed up his focus (understandably). Could have been what led to the mechanic switch from Lyle to Tom? Also lots of hints at a general vibe/organizational change at the Syndicate in the past year or two since SC/Pon took over the team from Roskopp/Kathy. 

I gathered this too from the Vital interview. That stress and lack of prep for worlds would surely make for a sour season overall. I thoroughly enjoyed his storytelling and excitement about Norco. Had no clue they had so much firepower on their engineering team! Would highly recommend a listen during the drive home.

1/10/2024 11:36am
Endurhevia wrote:

Any guesses on the IFR blacked out racers? There is a woman there, also someone that looked very simmilar to Joe bredeen.

Louise Ferguson, Joe breeden, Seth Sherlock one of the Griffiths boys?

Ryan Pinkerton?  

Pinky to mondraker with dak and Dunne 

1/10/2024 11:40am
grambo wrote:
Something I haven't seen discussed re: Minnaar is that on the PB podcast/interview he confirmed what happened at Fort Bill Worlds last year. Wasn't a tire...

Something I haven't seen discussed re: Minnaar is that on the PB podcast/interview he confirmed what happened at Fort Bill Worlds last year. Wasn't a tire goof up, was delay in getting him an extended rain visor and longer mud fender on his bike, to the point it was 30s before he dropped in that he was finally sitting on his bike, and this screwed up his focus (understandably). Could have been what led to the mechanic switch from Lyle to Tom? Also lots of hints at a general vibe/organizational change at the Syndicate in the past year or two since SC/Pon took over the team from Roskopp/Kathy. 

I heard PON stepped in before several of Greg’s runs this year and forced Lyle to sabotage tyres so they wouldn’t have to renew his contract for 2024. 

Bristol GB
1/10/2024 11:49am Edited Date/Time 1/10/2024 11:59am
Endurhevia wrote:

Any guesses on the IFR blacked out racers? There is a woman there, also someone that looked very simmilar to Joe bredeen.

Louise Ferguson, Joe breeden, Seth Sherlock one of the Griffiths boys?

Pretty much what I said a few back....Lou F, Joe B, Oscar G, and likely Ryder Lawrence instead of Sherlock

Fayetteville, AR US
1/10/2024 11:51am
Endurhevia wrote:

Any guesses on the IFR blacked out racers? There is a woman there, also someone that looked very simmilar to Joe bredeen.

Louise Ferguson, Joe breeden, Seth Sherlock one of the Griffiths boys?

Togger250 wrote:

Pretty much what I said a few back....Lou F, Joe B, Oscar G, and likely Ryder Lawrence instead of Sherlock

I (and many others) am about 99% sure that's Ryder Lawrence. 


#1: the profile looks like him

#2: He's been riding Intense his whole life pretty much. His dad (Randy) is friends with the Intense crew. Him getting an intense ride has been a foregone conclusion for a while, especially as his results are solid.

#3: He was riding with Louise Ferguson in California as evidenced by their Instagram stories.


Bristol GB
1/10/2024 11:58am

Louise Ferguson, Joe breeden, Seth Sherlock one of the Griffiths boys?

Togger250 wrote:

Pretty much what I said a few back....Lou F, Joe B, Oscar G, and likely Ryder Lawrence instead of Sherlock

hogfly wrote:
I (and many others) am about 99% sure that's Ryder Lawrence.    #1: the profile looks like him #2: He's been riding Intense his whole life...

I (and many others) am about 99% sure that's Ryder Lawrence. 


#1: the profile looks like him

#2: He's been riding Intense his whole life pretty much. His dad (Randy) is friends with the Intense crew. Him getting an intense ride has been a foregone conclusion for a while, especially as his results are solid.

#3: He was riding with Louise Ferguson in California as evidenced by their Instagram stories.



1/10/2024 12:34pm Edited Date/Time 1/10/2024 12:42pm
Danny Hart Norco?? Crestline??? Forbidden???

Imagem WhatsApp 2024-01-10 %C3%A0s 17.35.06 ac79da42

Danny Hart

Norco?? Crestline??? Forbidden???


Has already been discussed on pages 80-81 - rental? loaner? testing a possible bike for 2024?

He's got all of the same parts as his Cube so I wouldn't be surprised if he's just done a frame swap, plus those trousers are Nukeproof Blackline Trail pants, so it seems as though they're supplying him with frames and clothing (and maybe some finishing kit? Although I think he's still on the same cockpit setup currently).

Edit: Seen that this has already been discussed oops

Moreno Valley, CA US
1/10/2024 12:46pm Edited Date/Time 1/10/2024 12:47pm

I am going with Gwin retires so my original joke post come true 🤣


Wait didn't Ms Hill already make that post come true 

1/10/2024 12:54pm

maybe gwin to yeti isn‘t so far fetched… todd schumlick, who‘s aaron’s and richie’s trainer was managing IFR while aaron was there and will continue managing his new team according to the goodbye-post… and todd is riding a yeti right now, was on an intense before. maybe that‘s too obvious but maybe not Wink

Dornbirn AT
1/10/2024 12:58pm

Gwin will be on Frameworks! Don’t forget, you’ve heard it here first… :D

1/10/2024 1:12pm Edited Date/Time 1/10/2024 1:13pm

Louise Ferguson, Joe breeden, Seth Sherlock one of the Griffiths boys?

Togger250 wrote:

Pretty much what I said a few back....Lou F, Joe B, Oscar G, and likely Ryder Lawrence instead of Sherlock

hogfly wrote:
I (and many others) am about 99% sure that's Ryder Lawrence.    #1: the profile looks like him #2: He's been riding Intense his whole life...

I (and many others) am about 99% sure that's Ryder Lawrence. 


#1: the profile looks like him

#2: He's been riding Intense his whole life pretty much. His dad (Randy) is friends with the Intense crew. Him getting an intense ride has been a foregone conclusion for a while, especially as his results are solid.

#3: He was riding with Louise Ferguson in California as evidenced by their Instagram stories.


Is Ryders father Randy Lawrence? The pro moto super trainer. Makes sense to see Todd Schumlick leave then. Dad's got it sorted. He's also handy on a bike.


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