No more RAD ? Minnaars bike missing it and also spotted Gwin doesn't have it anymore after having it all season.
No more RAD ? Minnaars bike missing it and also spotted Gwin doesn't have it anymore after having it all season.
Shooting from the hip here. I'm definitely not a great source because I haven't geeked out on the topic yet, but doesn't fox have a brand...
Shooting from the hip here. I'm definitely not a great source because I haven't geeked out on the topic yet, but doesn't fox have a brand spankin new four way damper that we have already heard about? Perhaps that's why they aren't RAD anymore? I could be wrong.
Aaron Gwin:
Neko Mulally:
So... it's RAD but not necessarily R.A.D. LOL.
Just guessing.
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