35mm Carbon Handlebars Flex Tested and More - Vital Gear Show 10

More tech, more fun. Vital Gear Show works on getting scientific.

This week on the Vital Gear Show, we flex test 8 different mountain bike handlebars. Six of them are 35mm diameter carbon bars, and we add a 35mm alloy bar and 31.8 carbon bar into the mix to see just how compliant they are. OneUp, Deity, ENVE, Race Face, Renthal, Tag Metals and Hope handlebars are put to the test with Johan's SuperBarFlexer3000.

Our brake and shifter cables troubles are contained with the Trust Performance Jobber Kit, Bryn Atkinson and Ryan Reynolds are doppelgangers, Fox Racing keeps us warm and Canfield Brothers renames as Canfield bikes. We also weigh some stuff!!!



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