

It's the little things that make the World Cup bikes so cool. Custom-cut shift paddles add the superstar treatment for Mike Jones.

Jacy Shumilak is known for giving Sam HIll's bike the extra special touches. With Sam out for a weeks with injury, Mike Jones is benefiting from the knowledge, and the little touches that make a mud race easier. Grippy velcro bits on the brake levers...

They say idle hands are the devil's workshop. Idle mechanics end up using all of the duct tape, as Mike Jones' frame can attest to as Shumilak tried to occupy himself all day. Every. Single. Hole. Sealed and ready for race day.

Nukeproof brand manager, (and Ex Dirt team mechanic) Ali Beckett shows off the World Champs goods to Hill's mechanic. The internet would implode if it could see what was on his phone..

Owen Coutts spends the day off gettnig in some practice for his off-season job as a proctologist.

​Fraser Britton
PIT BITS - Fort William World Cup 2015NaN - NaN of 30