Track Walk Slideshow - 2019 Lenzerheide World Cup Downhill

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Welcome back to Lenzerheide, Switzerland, for the 2019 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup. Last year the venue was host to the World Champs in sunny, dusty conditions. This year, the rain is here and the course is slick as can be...for now. A steep, new, freshly cut section in the trees is the talk of the town when riders aren't mourning (or celebrating) the loss of the infamous rock garden that is no longer on the course. Sven and Dan stay dry in Lenzerheide while Boris covers EWS in Whistler, but the goods are here.

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The infamous rock garden that marks the first spot on the track to separate riders has been taped out for 2019. -Dan Hearn
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This new section was the talk of the day. Super steep, slippery and lined with trees waiting to be shoulder-barged. -Dan Hearn
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Loic knows what he has to do to see the World Cup series out. The plan has shifted slightly from wins at any cost to points consolidation and protection. -Sven Martin
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The root-off continues with another hefty entry. Not sure those chainsaw grooves will do too much to prevent wipe-outs in training. -Dan Hearn
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Watch out for those black mambas on track tomorrow. They bite. -Dan Hearn
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Best shoes for track walk? Yeah nah. -Dan Hearn
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Foot model Kaos doing his laundry the quick way after track walk. -Dan Hearn
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Chris Kilmurray on the course changes. -Sven Martin
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Fox's Jordi Clooney testing out the new FOX snowplow on a quick race of the area. -Sven Martin
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Welcome to Lenzerheide -Sven Martin
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Memories of World Champs last year and the enormous crowds will keep the Swiss stoke high. -Dan Hearn
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Finn staying dry during course walk today. -Sven Martin
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Windy, windy and wet. Some more tricky conditions to start off this week's race. -Sven Martin
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Track surface. Evidence of a lot of puzzling and inappropriate footwear. -Sven Martin
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Tracey Hannah is sitting comfortably in number 1 spot in the overall coming into Lenzerheide. -Dan Hearn
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Remember when Rachel Atherton had to jump over a car mid-practice? -Sven Martin
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Danny Hart has a great track record here in Lenzerheide. -Dan Hearn
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Let's hope Jamie Edmondson's practice goes better than his track walk. -Dan Hearn
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Dan Hearn looking for some free Swiss water. (There is no such thing) -Sven Martin
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Patented puddle-specific Depth-O-Meters were in great demand to check the potential 29er munching holes out. 27.5 wheels on sale now. -Dan Hearn
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Nina with the best method for getting over slippery muddy roots. Levitation. -Sven Martin
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Riders woke up to the most rain we've had in quite a while at a downhill race. -Dan Hearn
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Deano Lucas knows how to keep the favors coming. Wine for all the media guys on track walk today. -Sven Martin
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Dean Lucas on the exact spot he feels catapulted him to his first podium and third place in 2015. Millimetres count. -Sven Martin
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The Young Guns are eagerly looking forward to being first on track tomorrow, so they can give the sketchy chute a first attempt. -Sven Martin
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The drops on inside line switchbacks get taller and steeper every year. At least a foot taller this year. The catch netting looks really close, ready to snag bars, pedals or derailleurs if you are not precise. -Sven Martin
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Joe Sanchez knows some good reading material. -Sven Martin
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David Trummer keeps going from strength to strength. This weekend will be no different. He likes it RAW. -Sven Martin
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Dan Hearn getting us from Val Di Sole over one of the many scenic passes. -Sven Martin
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Congratulations Remi! You are looking at the proud, brand-new father of Tom Thirion!! -Sven Martin
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Nigel with one of the coolest pit inventions I've seen all year. -Sven Martin
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Nigel gets the nerdy on PSI and ambient temperatures. -Sven Martin
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Old track (rock garden) from the right, new track from the left. -Sven Martin
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AZ on the job prepping Jackson Frew's Wheels -Sven Martin
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Flo Payet has had some bad qualifiers but good races. Better than the other way around. -Sven Martin
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The steep straight chute of carnage side-on. -Sven Martin
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Polish Pete preparing Gee's bike with his tried and tested telemetry system. -Dan Hearn
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New color for Loic today. They just keep on coming. -Sven Martin
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Yep the plunge is still on this year. Mariana, Monika and Sandra contemplate lines for tomorrow. -Sven Martin
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A tough day for some mechanics who were working under lamps all day in gloomy pits. -Dan Hearn
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Pretty much the view of the day for the mechanics working in the pits. -Dan Hearn
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Even an early departure didn't stop the Canyon boys from getting a little wet. -Dan Hearn
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We've not seen too much rain here in the past, so it'll be interesting to see how the weather plays out over the next few days. -Dan Hearn
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Transition mechanic, Jake Scoynes, letting me test my camera settings for B-practice tomorrow. -Dan Hearn
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Luca Shaw enjoying a last few moments in the dry. -Dan Hearn
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Most of the track follows the same course as before with a few little taping changes thrown in. Some wider parts here open up more inside options. They might be one for a dry day... -Dan Hearn
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Slip and slide onto a wooden drop. What could go wrong? -Dan Hearn
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No, that's not a hotel. Ludwig of MS Mondraker showing off the pimp team truck and bringing the much needed coffee. -Dan Hearn
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Pro mechanic and Rambo stunt double, Scotty Mears getting the after-work training laps in around the pits. -Dan Hearn
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A significant number of these were getting mounted ready for battle tomorrow. -Dan Hearn
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Connor Fearon usually does well on more one-line tracks. With some of the changes like removing the top rock garden, he could be in for a great result here in Lenzerheide. -Dan Hearn
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Kola Schmitt AKA Schmitty counting clicks. -Sven Martin
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Marine Cabirou had a big winning margin last week with similar track conditions to today. -Dan Hearn
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4.20 CHF for an espresso is a far cry from the Italian cafe life of last week. Still can't be resisted while waiting for riders at the top of the track. -Dan Hearn
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Finishing touches being put on the finish drop as riders head up for track walk. Something tells me that chicken wire is going to be needed this weekend. -Dan Hearn
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Switzerland sure is pretty. -Sven Martin
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DJ P.A. zoning in for a day at the shooting range. -Dan Hearn
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Tyre choice will be key to surviving tomorrow. -Dan Hearn
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Which of the Syndicate crew will be throwing the best whips over here tomorrow? -Dan Hearn