Final Day Race Action from Enduro World Series, La Thuile, Italy

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95 seconds faster than the best enduro racers in the world. That's something worth celebrating. -Lee Trumpore
Jared trying to get the facts from the silent bruiser. -Sven Martin
Feet still blown off from the previous corner, inside foot down, nothing seems to slow Richie Rude down. He's like a bowling ball going down the track, smashing whatever happens to get in his way. -Lee Trumpore
Richie Rude somehow manages to ride totally loose and completely in control simultaneously. -Lee Trumpore
Total Stage Domination is near impossible and I think this may be one of the few times it's happened. Cecile Ravanel was unmatched this whole week. Not even crashing into Jared Graves yesterday could stop her. -Sven Martin
Cecile with more than 2-minute win! -Lee Trumpore
Adrien Dailly won the under 21 category and would have placed 8th amongst the seniors, despite flatting on the final stage. The young talent runs deep in the EWS. -Lee Trumpore
Sam Hill came into the final stage .3 seconds down on Oton. Not one to take the cautious route, he gained 7 seconds even with another over-the-bars crash. -Lee Trumpore
After a crash on Stage 4 cost Sam Hill 30 seconds, he came back and smashed his flat pedals to a Stage 5 win. -Lee Trumpore
The camera is not tilted. Isabeau Courdurier navigated the numerous off-camber corners to a strong 2nd place finish. -Lee Trumpore
Sebastien Claquin on his way to a second in the Junior overall this weekend. A time that would have had him in 15th in the scratch. -Sven Martin
Damien Oton would have liked to repeat his win from 2014, but he had to settle for 3rd after battling Sam Hill down to the wire all weekend. -Lee Trumpore
Andréane Lanthier Nadeau straight to a podium on her first race back from injury sustained in Chile. Rehab, hard work and patience all paying off. Stage six. -Sven Martin
Jesse Melamed had his best result of the weekend with a 4th on Stage 4, but multiple crashes on Stage 5 pushed him way back into 13th overall. -Lee Trumpore
Francois Bailly-Maitre on the attack in the technical yet again. His skills helped him move up a few spots from yesterday into fourth. -Sven Martin
Florian Nicolai on the wild upper reaches of stage four. Fifth overall for him today. -Sven Martin
Anita Gehrig slipped back to fourth today. The elusive podium lost on stage five. -Sven Martin
Curtis Keene returned to the form we've not seen in a few seasons, with aggressive and consistent riding for 6th place. -Lee Trumpore
What a breakout result for Robin Wallner, the cross-over Swedish downhiller. Seventh is his best EWS finish to date. Precision means the world even after 57 minutes of racing near the end of stage six. -Sven Martin
Josh Carlson had his best result on stage five here with a fourth place. Steep, long, technical and littered with roots and off-camber, stage five was the most trying of all stages. -Sven Martin
Natural rock gardens like we haven't seen in World Cups for at least a decade. -Sven Martin
Miranda Miller looking fully DH here in her long pants and low attack in the long, challenging rock garden. Fifth place is not bad for this newcomer to EWS racing. -Sven Martin
Thanks guys. Chris and Enrico cheers after another successfull EWS event. See you in ColoRADo next! -Sven Martin
Can you beat this? Hell no. This is what makes racing here in La Thuile and the EWS in general so special. A series that continually strives to raise the bar and deliver quality racing in amazing locations. Top Stage four this morning. -Sven Martin
Team Boss, Nigel Page, keeping it real for CRC racing along with the boys and bringing home a second place in the Masters to match Sam Hill. -Sven Martin
Summer holidays for some of the downhillers and when in Europe, do as the Europes. Eddie and Rupert "warm" up before today's racing. -Sven Martin
Jared Graves had some more bad luck this race. On stage four he ran wide into some rocks that sliced his tire and that was it for him. DNF. -Sven Martin
After my big crash here in 2014 that went semi viral thanks to the EWS media squids, the organizers thought they would name this section after me much like Peaty's Plunge. Not sure if I'm honored or embarrassed. -Sven Martin
Mark Scott clawed his way back into the top twenty after a bad start yesterday with a mechanical. He probably has Allan to thank for some of the arm pump relief between stages. -Sven Martin
Speeding to a top ten overall on stage four for Joe Barnes. -Sven Martin
Jack Moir on the attack. This unassuming young Aussie finished in a remarkable eighth position. Fit and fast on the downhills is a good combination. A top five on one stage and a second on the steep final stage were his highlights. Can you tell which interview is Jack? -Sven Martin
Toni Ferreiro continues his run of consistently strong results with an 11th place, moving him up to 9th overall. Maybe we'll see him on a factory team roster next year? -Lee Trumpore
Doyouevenliftbro -Lee Trumpore
Mark Scott railed this turn faster than anyone. Jumping in from the roots and carving a perfect arc out. No roost shot because there wasn't any. -Lee Trumpore
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Joe Nation getting a little too personal with spectators. -Lee Trumpore
Richie all alone as last man on the hill, riding the track like it's his private skatepark. #manualturnbarsaresohotrightnow -Sven Martin
Loam to my dome. -Lee Trumpore
Jerome Clementz moved way up the standings on Sunday, charging from 18th all the way up to 9th. -Lee Trumpore
30 seconds into Stage 4. Only eleven minutes to go. -Lee Trumpore
Sun's out guns out. Bad luck for Nico as a flat on Stage 5 ruined his podium hopes after starting the day just 4 seconds back. -Lee Trumpore
Sam Hill caught with his guard down. It was clear to see he had and really enjoyable weekend out here in Italy. I wouldn't be surprised to see him do a full EWS season in the not to distant future and there's this other race in Italy coming up that's kind of a big deal. -Sven Martin
Warrior hands. -Lee Trumpore
Over and out from Gelato land. -Delorme-o-photo
Intro Graphic

Richie Rude wins by over a minute and a half, Cecile Ravanel wins by over 2 minutes and almost everyone came away with rides of their lives. The EWS in La Thuile, Italy delivered.

Thanks to Sven Martin and Lee Trumpore for the imagery and interviews with the best mountain bikers on the planet!

2016 Enduro World Series #4 La Thuile Final Results Men (full results)

2016 Enduro World Series #4 La Thuile Final Results Women (full results)


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