Enduro World Series, Crankworx Rotorua Day 2 Slideshow

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<b>Jerome Clementz dropping into the steep chute on one of the downhill tracks in the forest. After yesterday's stages, today felt like a fun trail riding day.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Ben Cruz just made it here from his fishing trip. The tracks today were awesome with the speed and flow Rotorua is better known for.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Lars n Bars needs no berms when he creates his own. This is the fabled Stage 3 the "EWS track," newly built for this race. Unfortunately due to weather and heavy traffic days leading up to scheduled practise the bottom has become a boggy mess and the stage has been shortened.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Let 'er rip!</b> -Steel City Media
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<b>When there are 7 hours of practice and riders are spread around a huge forest over three stages, you often find yourself without riders to shoot. It didn't take much convincing for Joe Bowman (pictured) to Strava segment this corner to death. Fellow Brit, Sam Flanagan in audio.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Wyn Masters on Stage 6, the old DH track. He's ridden this section more than a handful of times before. Wyn won the last Enduro race here in Rotorua which shared many of the same stages, beating Jared Graves and Justin Leov in the process. All eyes on WynTV.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Through the roller drops for the first time with Iago Garay.</b>
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<b>Anka Martin used to the green of New Zealand by now but dirt and trail conditions are forever changing under the canopy.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Sam Blenkinsop has had a busy week, DH, Enduro, Whip-off...he's looking like he could double podium this weekend.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Ty Hathaway from California on the "unrideable" section. Looking pretty different to LA right now, eh Ty? Fellow Californians Curtis Keene and Mitch Ropelato in the audio.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Have camera bag, will manual turn everywhere. The ups and downs of riding with a 20kg pack. Tim Bardsley-Smith, the man who provided the awesome Australian Nationals DH coverage. #doyouevenmanualbro</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Mark Weir speed tuck with all the mustache drag in the world.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Anneke Beerten. Thankfully she has a bright helmet or else we might never see here this weekend.</b> -Sven Martin
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<b>Joe Nation from Christchurch, another Kiwi representing Bergamont keeping it pinned over blind, off-camber rises. Stay tuned for more EWS action as the race progresses. #YEW!!!</b> -Sven Martin
Let's just quote Old Milwaukee and say it doesn't get any better than this. Hero dirt, steeps, jumps, drops, berms, roots and more greenery than a Grateful Dead concert. Enjoy the 2nd day of training at the Enduro World Series Rotorua. Sven Martin and Steel City Media take you into the unknown.

EWS Rotorua Day 1 Slideshow

ONE LAP, Stage 1

ONE LAP, Stage 6

ONE LAP, Stage 7

Easy or Impossible? Corner Carnage video


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