Rheeder had a clean first run, but wasn't happy with the scoring. Come run two, he went down attempting a 360 off his lower drop.
2015 Red Bull Rampage Finals Results and Scores
- Kurt Sorge 96.5
- Andreu Lacondeguy 95.75
- Graham Agassiz 94.75
- Brandon Semenuk 94.25
- Thomas Genon 91.25
- Cam Zink 89.25
- Darren Berrecloth 87.00
- Brendan Fairclough 85.50
- Sam Reynolds 83.00
- Remy Metailler 82.50
- Kyle Strait 82.00
- Pierre Eduoard Ferry 81.75
- Brett Rheeder 81.50
- Kyle "popped the question at the line" Norbraten 80.50
- Logan Binggeli 75.50
- Bas Van Steenbergen 70.50
- Ryan Howard 66.75
- Mitch Chubey 63.25
- Kelly McGarry 62.25
- Antoine Bizet - DNF
- Paul Basagoitia - DNF
We followed three riders throughout the event, links below.
We asked random riders a different "Question of the Day" each day we were at Rampage, links below.
Rampage Bike Checks
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2015 Red Bull Rampage Finals