Wild in the Streets - 2014 Valparaiso Cerro Abajo Urban DH Chaos

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<b>Filip Polc has now won the first two rounds of his inaugural City Downhill World Tour. He's 3 for 5 here in Valpo and stoked be back on top as #kingofthestreet.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Big wheels for big hucks. Marcelo Gutierez came close to back-to-back wins here in Valpo but was just slightly off the pace today. All in one piece is victory enough.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Tomas Slavik spent the day pacticing right on the wheel of Urban DH legend, Filip Polc. The strategy seemed to pay off as he would end up 3rd on the day depite coming to a dead stop against a wall in his final run.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>First rider on course was Filip Polc with Valpo first-timer Mic Hannah in tow. Here Mic tests the first jump as Filip clears the track of stray dogs.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Bernardo Cruz's bike showed up at 2am and he kept things semi-sideways on his way to a 5th place finish. Don't worry, the current Whip Off World Champ assures us his new bike can go even more sideways than the last one.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>In anything but Valparaiso style, the day statrted off quite cold and foggy as riders headed to the top of the hill.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Just a very, very, very small fraction of the crowd here in Valpo. The fencing down the track helps keep riders safe, but it makes it almost impossible for photographers to get in and out of the track for creative and unique angles.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>With 3 wins out of 5 tries here in Valpo, there is no escaping the media attention for Filip Polc.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>It was as cold as it looks at the top of the hill today, and after 3 weeks of nice warm summer weather I was not at all prepared for this. #gringoproblems</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>GoPro cameras where everywhere on track today. #goproonachick</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>The race started about 2 hours late today, mostly due to the massive crowds. No amount of fencing or manpower seemed to help either. This is the start of the track, one hour after practice was supposed to have started. #shitshow</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>At about 2pm, things got back to normal as the sun came out and riders FINALLY began to take on the track for the first time all day.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>With tens of thousands of spectators, the neighbors to the track provide home-cooked snacks to spectators and hungry photographers. #passthechurrasco</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Higher fences just made for higher people down the stairs. Remy Thirion had to watch out for feet rather than arms and elbows this year.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Stairs upon stairs upon more stairs sums up the first minute of the track in Valpo.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>One of the only new features this year was a pair of shipping containers just up from the finish line. Mick Hannah sent this 40 footer about 50 feet in his quali run. #hucktoflat</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>VIP status for the racers here in Valpo. Water, Red Bull, fresh fruit, cookies, much needed shade and even a massage table were all under the athlete tent.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Vital MTB leaves its mark.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>After a top performance at the Andes-Pacifico a few weeks ago, Spanish rider Iago Garay now has celebrity status in Chile.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Still trying to find a place to plug in my cell phone.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Remy Metallier kept it pretty mellow today as he is still recovering from a broken hand, but he has plans to turn things up a bit at the afterparty.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>"So, have you seen my latest web edit?" #frenchcharm from Metaillier.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Enduro superstar one week, Urban DH superfan the next.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Mark Wallace kept things pretty smooth and in control today. Like most racers he was happy just to be leaving in one piece.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Team Argentina looks over the edge of the first big jump on track. #SENDIT</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Top Chilean qualifier, Pedro Ferriera couldn't deliver for the home town crowd in the finals as a crash and a mechanical pushed him way down the leaderboard.</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>The long delays throughout the day meant that the qualifiers were held as the sun started to to dip behind the buildings. By the time finals wrapped up it was getting pretty close to dark. #neverendingday</b> -Dave Trumpore
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<b>Your 2014 Red Bull Valparaiso Cerro Abjo podium. Filip Polc, Marcello Gutierez and Tomas Slavik. Another classic VCA is in the books.</b> -Dave Trumpore
Dodging dogs, fans and stairs is what the Valparaiso Cerro Abajo Urban Downhill is all about. Filip Polc, a 5-time veteran of the event, took home his 3rd victory, returning to the top as King of the Street.

Enjoy the chaos, carnage and churrasco-covered captures from Chile with camera clicker, Dave Trumpore.

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