2011 UCI World Champs Downhill Finals

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Before we get into this show, please take the time to give virtual high-fives, hugs, kisses and nods of approval to Sven Martin and Gary Perkin. They are the reason for the outstanding and unparalleled World Cup coverage this year. THANK YOU! Photo: Luisa Freudenberg
This is what it's about... the stripes and the gold! Danny Hart models the most coveted fashions this weekend! Photo by Gary Perkin
Looking more like a scene from a Kubrick movie than a bike race, this was what almost ended the show. Too much mist and cloud for the rescue chopper to fly. Photo by Gary Perkin
It's safe to say that Aaron Gwin of Trek World Racing can look back on this season as proof positive that he has raised the bar in our glorious sport. Worlds may have eluded him, but it's just a matter of time. Photo by Gary Perkin
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Aaron Gwin, last practice run before finals. It just wasn't his day. Sequence by Alain Hall
It has been a tough year filled with injuries, recovery and disqualifications for Emmeline Ragot. Today made up for it all as she rode a smart race and stayed on the bike for a clean win. -Sven Martin
It's hard to compare apples and oranges in race runs, but young Troy Brosnan would have finished 2nd in the Elite DH. It's official folks, the guard is changing! Photo by Gary Perkin
Your Junior Women's World Champ - Manon Carpenter of Wales! Tidy! Photo by Gary Perkin
For your information, this is the last turn off the jumps into the finish bowl. If it looks like this, imagine the slop in the woods! I could hardly make it up the hill in practice and finals was out of the question. Photo by Gary Perkin
Gee Atherton knocked his head hard on Thursday and never felt the same through race day. He gave it his best shot on Sunday, but it just didn't go the same as last year when he was not fazed by the mud. Photo: Alain Hall
I think the women had tougher conditions than the men. Better visibility and fewer goggle issues, but the mud was sticker and bikes became heavy. Celine Gross had a nightmare run, but finished none the less. -Sven Martin
Brook MacDonald showing us just how bad it was out there in the finals for the last men. -Sven Martin
This is what the riders were really racing for today. Only the new World Champion would have the honor of shaving Gary's World Cup season beard off. It has been a grueling six months of dust, mud, blood, sweat and tears. Danny Hart shaves it all away. -Sven Martin
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Grizzly Adams USED to have a beard.
Danny Hart first run on finals morning, but 100th whip for the week. He kept it upright through to the final where he threw a massive cracker over the slippery final jumps. Why change a good thing? -Sven Martin (RULING IT!)
Damien Spagnolo of Mondraker Factory Team has taken up the mantle left by his retiring mentor Fabien Barel. Well-deserved 2nd place for the super-stylish Frenchman. Photo by Gary Perkin
Having Damien Spagnolo finish in 2nd must give Fabien even greater satisfaction than if it was himself. That sums up how gracious and giving Fabien is. The prefect role model and ambassador for downhill. We all wish him well into his new chapter in his life.
GT's Marc Beaumont wishes the season would keep on going as his results have been steadily improving. Solid sixth place for Marc. In two weeks he won't have it so easy when he has to race me in the seven day Trans-provence Enduro stage race. -Sven Martin
If this was a regular World Cup, then Mickael Pascal would have been standing on the podium in fifth place. Great result for the man who does the most official DH runs in the World. He runs his brakes high for a reason, to keep the mud off them! -Sven Martin
A far cry from her Worlds win in dry, dusty, flat Canberra, the 2nd rainbow jersey for Emmeline Ragot of Team GR was won in the wet, muddy, mountainous Champery! Versatility. Photo by Gary Perkin
Just soak up the crowd, rain, noise and moment of Danny Hart of Giant heading for the line - 11 seconds up... OMG! Photo by Gary Perkin
Brendog Millionaire is back! So stoked to see him up there in 4th! Sure proved a point to the haters even with major reconstructive knee surgery looming! Photo by Gary Perkin
Kiwi - Check! Ferns - Check! Steeps - Check! Sam Blenkinsop of Lapierre smashed out the kind of run we know him so well for - mud madness - and 3rd place on the podium was the oh-so-just reward! Photo by Gary Perkin
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Fabien Barel's send off was a great moment for all of us. His character, charm, professionalism and absolute dedication will be missed on the World Cup track. Photo by Gary Perkin
It's gone! Under the watchful eye of the new World Champ Danny Hart and Steve "Coach" Spencer, I shaved off the beard grown from Pietermaritzburg to Champery... well after Gracia and Roskopp set it on fire! Photo by Gary Perkin
Myriam Nicole had better days. It's always easy to look back in hind sight and say what if... especially at Worlds. The races play out as they will and a crash is a crash. If you check Myriam's splits out, she was almost ten seconds up on Ragot. That's a big what if. Better luck next year. -Sven Martin
Staying in Whistler this *summer* has helped out Claire Buchar in the mud this season. Amazing composure for a third place medal. I wonder what Chris would have done out here? Congrats! -Sven Martin
Now you can see how German sharp shooter Sabastian "The HOF" Schieck gets some of his angles. He is as efficient as they come, never waiting until the lift station to get off if there are shots to be had sooner. -Sven Martin
A couple of big crashes for Rachel Atherton put her out of the running for the title this year. It was a tough day for the women, who arguably had tougher mud conditions than the men. It was still goopy before the full rain returned. -Sven Martin
Arnaud Li Hing Fui of Mauritius was stoked to be here and get down the toughest course in the world, relatively clean. He and his fellow countryman Matthieu Marion describe their Worlds Experience on their single crown steeds. -Sven Martin
It seems Austria breeds racers who always do best on the hardest courses. First year junior David Trummer sails into second. -Sven Martin
John Reynolds has been a a busy guy this past week. Between shooting the racing for Yeti he has also been squeezing in some Epic trail ride filming. Staying dry for finals was no sweat for this veteran. -Sven Martin (did he slap his head on the ground during the week?)
Danny's girlfriend wore a lucky T- shirt on finals day. Did she make the difference? -Sven Martin
Your fastest two young men over all, regardless of category.<br />
Cheers n beers at SRAM after the race. -Sven Martin
Au revoir from Fab, Sven and myself. Some of us you'll see next year at World Cups. Some of you won't! It's been a hell of a year for the sport. Thanks for watching, It's time to go ride bikes! Merci! Photo by Anka Martin (WE ARE ALL SO HONORED TO HAVE YOUR WORK SHARED WITH US THIS SEASON! We can't thank you enough. -gordo)
Intro Graphic
Danny Hart and Emmeline Ragot take significant World Championship victories in Champery Switzerland.

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