Freeride Battles - Fest Series Parts Ways with Darkfest

Boise, ID US
Email from FEST Series (copied and pasted here)
Fest Series parting ways with Darkfest.

We, the Fest Series crew decided to announce and make clear that Darkfest is no longer part of Fest Series. Sam Reynolds lost track of the essence of Fest Series and has been running the event in a way that is going against the core values Fest stands for. We figured it would be better to part ways.

Fest series is a lot more then performance based, Its about personalities, a lifestyle, a certain dedication to the art of riding bikes and building trails, things that are far more important than how much views or likes a video gets on Social media.
We want Fest Series to represent the art and essence of what we believe riding bikes is all about – and hope it can be an example of realness to the future generations and whoever else is into bikes.

Ride on

The Fest Series
and also this insta post

Fest Series parting ways with Darkfest

We, the Fest Series crew decided to announce and make clear that @darkfest_mtb is no longer part of Fest Series. @samreynolds26 has been running the event in a way that is going against the core values Fest stands for. We figured it would be better to part ways.

Fest series is a lot more than performance-based, It's about personalities, a lifestyle, a certain dedication to the art of riding bikes and building trails, things that are far more important than how many views or likes a video gets on Social media.
We want Fest Series to represent the art and essence of what we believe riding bikes is all about – and hope it can be an example of realness to future generations and whoever else is into bikes.

Ride on

The Fest Series

Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
5/15/2021 2:37pm Edited Date/Time 5/15/2021 2:37pm
Well that seems kind of bogus. Does Fest want to give us some details? What's your problem?
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
5/15/2021 4:39pm
The only thing that I can think of is Sam's build videos on his YouTube channel. Are they concerned that he's making too much off of those? Frankly, I'm often disappointed with the coverage of other Fest Series events. They show up out of nowhere, give a lackluster amount of coverage and then are gone.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
5/15/2021 4:43pm
Joe Berg wrote:
Weird … btw, who runs the Fest Series?
I don't know if there is any business structure going on behind the scenes. But it's said to be an organization of riders who are frustrated by the big contest format and set out to stretch the boundaries of MTB in their own way.
5/15/2021 5:51pm
Big Bird wrote:
The only thing that I can think of is Sam's build videos on his YouTube channel. Are they concerned that he's making too much off of...More
The only thing that I can think of is Sam's build videos on his YouTube channel. Are they concerned that he's making too much off of those? Frankly, I'm often disappointed with the coverage of other Fest Series events. They show up out of nowhere, give a lackluster amount of coverage and then are gone.
This is all super interesting and very good goss for a saturday. Doubt it's financial but one never knows, and I agree that darkfest is the best covered or most content-ed of the series.

It's a shame they called Sam out by name and made this post with little attempt to disguise the pettiness. There are just waaaaay better ways of parting ways than the holier-than-thou route, especially among former homies. That said I might as well be the paparazzi because I would also like to know more details lol.
5/15/2021 6:20pm Edited Date/Time 5/15/2021 6:21pm
D%&k move to call out Sam publicly children. Guess we will see their YT, Insta and website taken down, god forbid they get some likes or clicks.

5/15/2021 6:46pm
Ok. Looking forward to all the hits in pure darkness 4.

Don’t get it all. All the top fest guys profit in sponsor dollars by holding these events. If fans want to watch sams videos then who gives a damn. I’m not wealthy I can’t pick up and go to stellenbosch or across country to Oregon to spectate. There is nothing cringe about sams stuff. No clickbait titles. No staged bs. Just personalities, riding, and an amazing build. Guys just ride your bikes and build your trails and leave the judgement of “what is art” to the fans. Even if you are going to part ways what the fuck is the point of that insta post.

5/15/2021 9:49pm
Helfare jump rubbed someone the wrong way???
5/15/2021 9:49pm
My wife and I sat down and watched one of the build videos last night. She’s a new trail rider and loved the video. She’s excited for more and got her psyched to go ride. Showing/explaining the trail building and riding to people who haven’t see this eeer art sounds Festy to me.
5/15/2021 11:55pm
Huge facepalm... why not just wait until after the event to announce it? Comes across like school yard children drama... pathetic really.
5/16/2021 1:00am
I'm assuming none of the fest riders will be attending rampage now. Don't think all that red bull money fits in with the core values of those riders. This comes across super gate keeper-y. This attitude is what has held action sports back.
Elk Grove/Truckee, CA US
5/16/2021 9:23am Edited Date/Time 5/16/2021 9:25am
Honestly I didn't know there were 2 different "Fest" event, but now I know. It all sounds like a $hitfest now and it can setback the culture of free ride. Good job guys and your egos. Everyone involved just go grab a beer and think where you would all be with out the elders of your sport and the work they went through without social media just too get noticed. These 'Fest" guys are not getting any younger either and this lifestyle of free ride can stop in an instant if they get seriously injured. Do they have a back up plan? I hope they would just enjoy the ride and not be greedy and selfish. They ride a bike just like me at the end of the day.
Norristown, PA US
5/16/2021 11:32am
Whoa! Everything outside of Darkfest is so poorly covered I'd honestly forgotten it even existed and was supposed to be a "series"
Carnation, WA US
5/16/2021 2:48pm
Seems like no body remembers how/why Fest series came about. I remember reading an article after the 2nd or 3rd one and Vink (pretty sure he was being interviewed) said they wanted a big air jam style event. Low key, low stress. Just pro level riders going big and having fun. If Darkfest is getting too much media I could see how that wouldn’t fit with the “core” values of Fest series. Not try to be elitist they just want a low key event.

After reading Sams response it doesn’t seem like there is bad blood or anything between them.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
5/16/2021 4:07pm
thejake wrote:
Seems like no body remembers how/why Fest series came about. I remember reading an article after the 2nd or 3rd one and Vink (pretty sure he...More
Seems like no body remembers how/why Fest series came about. I remember reading an article after the 2nd or 3rd one and Vink (pretty sure he was being interviewed) said they wanted a big air jam style event. Low key, low stress. Just pro level riders going big and having fun. If Darkfest is getting too much media I could see how that wouldn’t fit with the “core” values of Fest series. Not try to be elitist they just want a low key event.

After reading Sams response it doesn’t seem like there is bad blood or anything between them.
Sam's response?
Carnation, WA US
5/16/2021 4:50pm
thejake wrote:
Seems like no body remembers how/why Fest series came about. I remember reading an article after the 2nd or 3rd one and Vink (pretty sure he...More
Seems like no body remembers how/why Fest series came about. I remember reading an article after the 2nd or 3rd one and Vink (pretty sure he was being interviewed) said they wanted a big air jam style event. Low key, low stress. Just pro level riders going big and having fun. If Darkfest is getting too much media I could see how that wouldn’t fit with the “core” values of Fest series. Not try to be elitist they just want a low key event.

After reading Sams response it doesn’t seem like there is bad blood or anything between them.
Big Bird wrote:
Sam's response?
It’s up on pinkbike.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
5/16/2021 5:14pm
I don't pink bike. So I guess I'll never know.
5/16/2021 5:47pm
Big Bird wrote:
I don't pink bike. So I guess I'll never know.
Basically said the fest series imposed rules on who can or can’t ride at a fest event and imposed rules on type of content that he can share. Obviously Sam didn’t agree with the rules and agreed to split ways.
Didn’t throw any jabs their way or try to defend his character. His approach to the situation is really respectable. The fest guys, well not so much.
Big Bird
Oceano, CA US
5/16/2021 8:08pm Edited Date/Time 5/16/2021 8:09pm
Oh wait... Now I know. Proved me wrong. Thanks. I can't wait for the next Sam Reynolds video. Unless...

Norristown, PA US
5/17/2021 1:19pm
Big Bird wrote:
I don't pink bike. So I guess I'll never know.
Basically said the fest series imposed rules on who can or can’t ride at a fest event and imposed rules on type of content that he...More
Basically said the fest series imposed rules on who can or can’t ride at a fest event and imposed rules on type of content that he can share. Obviously Sam didn’t agree with the rules and agreed to split ways.
Didn’t throw any jabs their way or try to defend his character. His approach to the situation is really respectable. The fest guys, well not so much.
so if they don't want media coverage, why call it a series? or even announce anything about it in the first place?
5/17/2021 1:22pm
Big Bird wrote:
I don't pink bike. So I guess I'll never know.
Basically said the fest series imposed rules on who can or can’t ride at a fest event and imposed rules on type of content that he...More
Basically said the fest series imposed rules on who can or can’t ride at a fest event and imposed rules on type of content that he can share. Obviously Sam didn’t agree with the rules and agreed to split ways.
Didn’t throw any jabs their way or try to defend his character. His approach to the situation is really respectable. The fest guys, well not so much.
jonkranked wrote:
so if they don't want media coverage, why call it a series? or even announce anything about it in the first place?
How else would anyone know how fucking cool they are.
Norristown, PA US
5/17/2021 1:33pm
How else would anyone know how fucking cool they are.
they should change the name to "Elitist Fest"
5/17/2021 1:56pm
How else would anyone know how fucking cool they are.
jonkranked wrote:
they should change the name to "Elitist Fest"
Honestly, having skated and bmx'd I thought this was a sport clear of this elitist exclusionary bullshit where if you weren't part of the crew, wore the wrong brands or just had a different vibe you wouldnt be looked down on. Regardless if those are the reasons or not, "the fest" silence on this and tone of the snippet of a press release they have given makes them seem like the asshole at the skatepark who slates kids for riding a huffy. A sad day.
5/17/2021 2:39pm Edited Date/Time 5/17/2021 2:42pm
Short statement from Sam in the latest Darkfest vid, no real details but it's still classy:

Edit: OK, the forum software inserts a pre-roll ad and strips the query string which is annoying, so I'm quoting the url instead of embedding.


5/18/2021 8:30am
Big Bird wrote:
I don't pink bike. So I guess I'll never know.
Basically said the fest series imposed rules on who can or can’t ride at a fest event and imposed rules on type of content that he...More
Basically said the fest series imposed rules on who can or can’t ride at a fest event and imposed rules on type of content that he can share. Obviously Sam didn’t agree with the rules and agreed to split ways.
Didn’t throw any jabs their way or try to defend his character. His approach to the situation is really respectable. The fest guys, well not so much.
jonkranked wrote:
so if they don't want media coverage, why call it a series? or even announce anything about it in the first place?
The Fest Series is a counter culture jam format founded by seven likeminded pro Mountain bike Free riders who couldn't express their style of riding in the existing events at the time and therefore created their own platform of events.

For years, contests had been developed by corporations and promotors - Lacking innovation, vision, creativity and above all else, input from the riders themselves.

The Fest Series has changed all that and vaulted their jam format to become THE INDUSTRY'S MOST POPULAR EVENT in 2015, as voted on by the 4 Million monthly users of

With jumps of magnitude that have never been seen before, features that don't exist anywhere else on earth, trails that have been meticulously designed by the world’s top riders and courses have been painstakingly constructed to give riders total and absolute freedom.

This jam format has quickly become one of the world's most anticipated and celebrated mountain biking series.

With a selection of the sport’s most elite talents showing up to impress their peers; each new event raises the bar of what is possible on a mountain bike."

The above is directly from the Fest Series website... and they literally boast about 4 million monthly pinkbike users saying its awesome, meanwhile seem to condemn Darkfest for what; going against these core values?? FFS Fest Series wake up.
Given the write up... how does Darkfest NOT LINE UP with this?
Just my opinion - but Darkfest makes the Fest series accessible to the ordinary person. Few are as classy as Reynolds.

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