Tools. Perhaps not as fun to some as new tires but as mountain bikers, we need them to keep riding. Taking care of your chain is about as critical as it gets. Vital MTB Gear Club members received the Birzman Atom chain tool and link pliers as part of our October box.

Quick links are incredibly handy but without link pliers, can be quite a pain. This set from Birzman makes disconnecting and reinstalling your quick link, actually quick.

The Atom chain tool features a chain hook that hides in the handle, acting as your third hand to hold the chain in place. Birzman's spring system allows the Atom chain tool to work with chains ranging from 8 to 12 speeds.
Want stuff like this sent to your door every other month? Vital MTB Gear Club is just $49.95, plus shipping. A mystery box arrives every other month, join for as long as you like, cancel anytime.