THAT'S A WRAP! Vital's B Practice Podcast - Mont Sainte Anne World Cup 17

Dakotah Norton, Jason Schroeder, and Tanner Stephens break down the final round of the 2023 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup season from Mont Sainte Anne, Canada.

The 2023 season is over! What a season. Eight races, seven winners, five first-time winners, and 22 points-paying races (if you include qualifying, semi-finals, and finals). Rachel Atherton made her return to DH and won another World Cup; Vali Holl became the first female to win Worlds and the World Cup Overall since Rachel in 2018; Loic Bruni took his third World Cup overall title; Ryan Pinkerton won the Junior Mens overall for U.S.A; Valentina Roa Sanchez became the first South American to win a UCI World Cup overall; and our boy Dak added two more podiums to his name. Arguably one of the most exciting World Cup seasons to date, it also brought a lot of change with Warner Bros/Discovery taking over the broadcasting, the addition of semi-finals, fewer riders in finals, and a bit of unknown looking towards the future of downhill. 

In this episode, the crew reflects on the good and bad from the 2023 season, Dakotah breaks down his best World Cup season yet, we speculate on what is really underneath the Specialized diaper that they are trying to hide, the conclusion of Vital's Shorts Bounty, Takis banners in the rock garden, why MSA is still the sickest track on the circuit, overall standings, break out rides by Gaetan Vige and Ethan Craik, how the hell Jackson goes so fast, and finish thing off with plans for the podcast going into the offseason.

Thank you for listening this race season! We will be back for some off-season podcasts soon, so stay tuned.

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