10 Instagrammers You Should Follow but Probably Don't - Vital Gram Central 8

Vital Gram Central took a week off because gordo had a new baby boy (well, his wife did), and even though Sven was texting relentlessly about getting the Gram Central feature published as the baby's head was popping out, gordo resisted the temptation to pause the baby's delivery for the sake of internet mountain biking. #runonsentence. This week Sven, Joe and Duncan bring you some lesser-known Instagrammers that you should add to your daily MTB and general entertainment fix.

These guys are definitely doing it right, despite not even knowing how to spell "mountain bike." They are the go-to guys for anything happening in Chile, which is  a location worth visiting for all kinds of riding, racing and just having a good time. @montenbaik

"More KFC needed." @craigevans1 the fastest window cleaner in the world, looking to be under the Peaty wing in 2015.

From the creators of Nitro Circus, you might just catch first-time makes or, in this case, massive fails. Don't come up short. Follow @godfreyclan

@gforcephoto - Duncdawg learned a lot about photography from this lens pointer. Grant Robinson gives any image his own unique feel, really telling a story. #blurryphoto Hit his Murder by Numbers from 2011 for more goodness.

@baybutt - Sheffield can pump out photographers like it pumps out riders. Here’s a another shutter clicker with a unique style and a dangerous interest in gravity bikes. His feed is the real soul of mountain biking and fun with mates!

Follow @sam.mcqueen, not because he posts sick daily instabangers, but for the worlds largest #yoloselfie pole ever made. Plus it's carbon for #moarweightsavingz.

@jerryoftheday is the snow equivalent of #mtbfails. The Ski Dictionary definition of a Jerry is comparable to an MTB gaper, goon, colin, dribbler or fatbiker.

@thrashermag because they post pictures of hot girls wearing their T's, unlike Vital, who posts pictures of Sven Martin wearing their T's.

@craigevans1 - Alright alright, he's already listed above but this guy’s captioning can be pure gold at times, and he’s a machine on a mission for next year. He may or may not have paid us in KFC for double placement here, too. #howtogetahead

You think your loam and leafy autumn roost shots are something? Just imagine the possibilities here. Beautiful shots of both the dirt and snow kind from @justajeskova

Young film maker from Kelowna, B.C., @harrisonmendel. No shortage of good riders in that Canadian hamlet and worth a follow just to see this shot alone.

#vitalgramcentral LOL of the Week

Remember that one time 2 weeks ago when you did a pro mountain biker Instagram feature with follower stats and then some other site did the exact same thing but in #thespiritofenduro? That was awesome. #ifitainttapedcutthecorner by @enduromag

#vitalgramcentral Winner of the Week

Despite @bragevestavik #vitalgramcentral'ing most of his Instagram feed and nearly being disqualified and unfollowed, he does have a few gems. Since his dad has a really cool beard and young Brage is destined to be a World Champion DH'r one day, we'll let it slide and give it to him this week.

If you have an Instagram post you'd like Sven, Duncan or Joe to check out, use the hashtag #VitalGramCentral and make their jobs that much easier.


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