All Things Rampage 2022

Fletcher, NC US
10/24/2022 10:55am

The graphics guy with the roller coaster arrow with dust coming off that guy got paid way more than the riders.

Happy to have waited and just skip watched it.  All the delays in between riders would have removed all tension, drama and excitement for me.  And they basically screwed their own event by media whoring and graphic-ing the even to death for so long, they lost the fight for 2nd runs.  Just so bad.  

And then to give Rheeder the trophy instead of Syzmon.
And TVS just rolling down the hill doing nothing. How was he even allowed in the finale without tricks or stunts?

10/24/2022 10:57am

Had no idea Stark pulled off a grind to drop. On the RedBull TV replay it's basically invisible. That's gnarly as hell.

I've heard Dylan was told he wasn't allowed to include the rail, so when he lined up for it in his run, they cut the camera to not show it. Not sure if this was something other riders were against or if the organizers have a set 'no outside features' rule. #keepramageraw

Personally - Dylan brings a different style/perspective to freeriding, and he is the only one who would even attempt a crank grind off a drop.  I thought it was a pretty wild thing to try, and am not sure who it's harming that he did it.

Fayetteville, AR US
10/24/2022 1:03pm
I've heard Dylan was told he wasn't allowed to include the rail, so when he lined up for it in his run, they cut the camera...

I've heard Dylan was told he wasn't allowed to include the rail, so when he lined up for it in his run, they cut the camera to not show it. Not sure if this was something other riders were against or if the organizers have a set 'no outside features' rule. #keepramageraw

Personally - Dylan brings a different style/perspective to freeriding, and he is the only one who would even attempt a crank grind off a drop.  I thought it was a pretty wild thing to try, and am not sure who it's harming that he did it.

If someone brought in a prefabricated wooden quarter pipe or kicker or something, it wouldn't be allowed. I think that's sort of the issue with it. I don't mind, personally, but I think it's technically against the rules, even if it's not against the spirit of Rampage.

Portland, OR US
10/24/2022 5:59pm

Rampage is never going to be everything to everyone. There is always going to be something that somebody is not happy about. These ideas for improvements are usually poorly thought out ideas that make no sense when you consider the grand scheme of coordinating such a contest. The changes - if any- need to come from the riders & production staff, not a bunch of randos leaving comments on the internet. 

  For theory sake, let’s say T-Mac and some riders got 2nd runs & Tmac bumped Semenuk off the podium. Then the wind picked up and staff said “no more runs” or “runs are at your own risk”. Then you would have Semenuk saying he didn’t get a second run…. in the same conditions, so it’s not fair. Someone is always going to be unhappy about something 

10/24/2022 10:34pm

" not a bunch of randos leaving comments on the internet."

You basicaly just insulted the few that made a constructive critique without insulting anyone. 

bulletbass man
Collegeville, PA US
10/25/2022 1:13am
T-Dawg wrote:
Rampage is never going to be everything to everyone. There is always going to be something that somebody is not happy about. These ideas for improvements...

Rampage is never going to be everything to everyone. There is always going to be something that somebody is not happy about. These ideas for improvements are usually poorly thought out ideas that make no sense when you consider the grand scheme of coordinating such a contest. The changes - if any- need to come from the riders & production staff, not a bunch of randos leaving comments on the internet. 

  For theory sake, let’s say T-Mac and some riders got 2nd runs & Tmac bumped Semenuk off the podium. Then the wind picked up and staff said “no more runs” or “runs are at your own risk”. Then you would have Semenuk saying he didn’t get a second run…. in the same conditions, so it’s not fair. Someone is always going to be unhappy about something 

Then TMacs run doesn’t count.  They already have the rule that for 2nd runs to count every rider who said they wanted to take one has to be able to take one.  But he still has the footage for YouTube which will be the most viewed vid on his channel if a full run is documented.  He didn’t spend his entire life on one event and be told he can’t go cause ESPN has some commercials to show and his brother needs to do 40 minutes of filler with sal on YouTube just for the show to end with a wind cancellation.  Brandon had already did “his run” and wasn’t doing a 2nd run for some extra points or a podium anyways. 


personally I think the judges do a better job now than ever and this year the places were correct even if the scores were off.  (Godziek is closer to the rheeder for example they just needed to leave room to potentially slot other riders or Simons 2nd run.). 

however rampages production team while deserve all the credit for what they have done right has always been behind the ball on certain things.    The riders are generally too busy and not well enough heard.  The fans are the the ones who consume the product they produce regardless.  They should always be listening to feedback and determining how to improve their event. 


Kelso, WA US
10/25/2022 11:29am
I've heard Dylan was told he wasn't allowed to include the rail, so when he lined up for it in his run, they cut the camera...

I've heard Dylan was told he wasn't allowed to include the rail, so when he lined up for it in his run, they cut the camera to not show it. Not sure if this was something other riders were against or if the organizers have a set 'no outside features' rule. #keepramageraw

Personally - Dylan brings a different style/perspective to freeriding, and he is the only one who would even attempt a crank grind off a drop.  I thought it was a pretty wild thing to try, and am not sure who it's harming that he did it.

Until they stop supplying pressurized water and sandbags Rampage will never be raw. 

Tumwater, WA US
10/25/2022 10:40pm
Rol wrote:
Hello,   I do think Rampage as it is now is really bad. It is a show that is not enjoyable to watch. The commentators are...



I do think Rampage as it is now is really bad. It is a show that is not enjoyable to watch. The commentators are bad and the show mediocre.

Here are some refections:

it is a very elite group of people who do perform. I think it would be better to let everyone ride who wants to. 

Juging should be transparent.

Silly was when the juges were eating Pizza while juging. What was that? Did they not have the time to wait till the break. Is it a statement like we do not even care about all this juging? I don't know but it was wrong

The ecological footprint is a desaster.

If this is the result of 8 days work (the equivalent of two WC) it is just ridiculous. Maybe they should cancel the dig crews. All the work for not much (probably not even any $). That will result in a simpler event and pure riding. Not some kind of real life version of Moro cross maniacs.

This event basicaly shows that freeride is dead. If we make a crapy show for the sake of a crapy show MTB totally lost the perspective of what this really is. It is basicaly stuntriding for very skilled riders who really deserve better than this. 

In that perspective I can not understand how the juging works. 3 riders are amazing and all others are just mediocre? I do not think so. There is much talent out there.

I can not understand how this should positively inspire new riders. The few that survive the learning curve will probably not be selected anyway as they are not friends with the happy few. No one outside of the states will ever be able to bring a dig crew with them. I know some managed to do it but look at the flags. Only americans and canadians.

I do not like this selfsufficient show altough I am the biggeat fan of MTB. I think it is not about the riding.

I recon it is a nice ad for Utah but is it really worth it? 

I really think this show is the only exposure for some of the dudes out there. That may be the only reason they risk their life year after year. If they would be able to look into their wifes faces when they drop in they would probably not do it. But some rely on the $ and need the exposure.

I big shout out to Kyle. Heal up fast and quick! 


It’s worse than that. The riders are responsible for the flights and accommodation and food (except lunches) for their dig crews and themselves and don’t get paid at all if they don’t get an award or podium. They also don’t get any insurance coverage from red bull I’ll. If they get hurt it’s on them. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see a lot of these guys pull out next year if Disney still has control of the production. Hopefully they can pull together and make their own thing happen that’s not affiliated with rampage at all. I’d pay to watch a rider-controlled free ride event. 

10/26/2022 12:27am Edited Date/Time 10/26/2022 12:28am
nskerb wrote:

Until they stop supplying pressurized water and sandbags Rampage will never be raw. 

I still think there should be 2 rampages, one like now and one called legacy or something with no prebuilt features, longer venue with more altitude and short digging time, so it would really be about who can find and ride the best line down the mountain, tricks should be bonus with maybe 5-10% of the score! This would probably also attract more of DH riders, i guess like Gee, BK,... who are able to ride amazing tech stuff but do not have flashy tricks.

10/26/2022 7:36am
Rol wrote:
Hello,   I do think Rampage as it is now is really bad. It is a show that is not enjoyable to watch. The commentators are...



I do think Rampage as it is now is really bad. It is a show that is not enjoyable to watch. The commentators are bad and the show mediocre.

Here are some refections:

it is a very elite group of people who do perform. I think it would be better to let everyone ride who wants to. 

Juging should be transparent.

Silly was when the juges were eating Pizza while juging. What was that? Did they not have the time to wait till the break. Is it a statement like we do not even care about all this juging? I don't know but it was wrong

The ecological footprint is a desaster.

If this is the result of 8 days work (the equivalent of two WC) it is just ridiculous. Maybe they should cancel the dig crews. All the work for not much (probably not even any $). That will result in a simpler event and pure riding. Not some kind of real life version of Moro cross maniacs.

This event basicaly shows that freeride is dead. If we make a crapy show for the sake of a crapy show MTB totally lost the perspective of what this really is. It is basicaly stuntriding for very skilled riders who really deserve better than this. 

In that perspective I can not understand how the juging works. 3 riders are amazing and all others are just mediocre? I do not think so. There is much talent out there.

I can not understand how this should positively inspire new riders. The few that survive the learning curve will probably not be selected anyway as they are not friends with the happy few. No one outside of the states will ever be able to bring a dig crew with them. I know some managed to do it but look at the flags. Only americans and canadians.

I do not like this selfsufficient show altough I am the biggeat fan of MTB. I think it is not about the riding.

I recon it is a nice ad for Utah but is it really worth it? 

I really think this show is the only exposure for some of the dudes out there. That may be the only reason they risk their life year after year. If they would be able to look into their wifes faces when they drop in they would probably not do it. But some rely on the $ and need the exposure.

I big shout out to Kyle. Heal up fast and quick! 


schrader wrote:
It’s worse than that. The riders are responsible for the flights and accommodation and food (except lunches) for their dig crews and themselves and don’t get...

It’s worse than that. The riders are responsible for the flights and accommodation and food (except lunches) for their dig crews and themselves and don’t get paid at all if they don’t get an award or podium. They also don’t get any insurance coverage from red bull I’ll. If they get hurt it’s on them. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see a lot of these guys pull out next year if Disney still has control of the production. Hopefully they can pull together and make their own thing happen that’s not affiliated with rampage at all. I’d pay to watch a rider-controlled free ride event. 

If it really is so the riders should quit the show imediately and leave the red wings alone. Fuck them. Risking ones life for free for a show can not be an option for anyone and for sure not for the pro riders. But I can not understand how they can accept these conditions anyway. They must somehow have even less thougt out there own situation than some here have. 

That master and slave situation with the few sponsors in freeride are inacceptable in a billion dollar milieu, where e-bikes are the future for carrying around the belly happily gained due to the consumption of suger drinks, and where noone really makes money. Apart from the owners of the brands. The only think that counts is the buissness, no moral or ethics. MTB is too close to the real word.

The situation of the sport must be really bad for those who are not on the social media train. Real skills are underrated and that must change! But the younger generation do not look up to racers anymore. They look up to fame and media attention, not knowing what are the downsides of it.

One of the most stupidest thing I still can not believe is that in most action sports body armors are not been worn by the pros and the kids do the same. Brits in Morzine riding super fast and sketchy in polo shirts with no knee armor or body protection, just with a light helmet are only good for the local hospital as they bring in a lot of cash. They are not good for anyone. The want to be like the pros who do not wear protection either. And so do the kids. We raise a generation of handicaped people with this behavior.


Sorry. I went to far but sometimes it must be said.

Tumwater, WA US
10/26/2022 1:21pm
Rol wrote:
Hello,   I do think Rampage as it is now is really bad. It is a show that is not enjoyable to watch. The commentators are...



I do think Rampage as it is now is really bad. It is a show that is not enjoyable to watch. The commentators are bad and the show mediocre.

Here are some refections:

it is a very elite group of people who do perform. I think it would be better to let everyone ride who wants to. 

Juging should be transparent.

Silly was when the juges were eating Pizza while juging. What was that? Did they not have the time to wait till the break. Is it a statement like we do not even care about all this juging? I don't know but it was wrong

The ecological footprint is a desaster.

If this is the result of 8 days work (the equivalent of two WC) it is just ridiculous. Maybe they should cancel the dig crews. All the work for not much (probably not even any $). That will result in a simpler event and pure riding. Not some kind of real life version of Moro cross maniacs.

This event basicaly shows that freeride is dead. If we make a crapy show for the sake of a crapy show MTB totally lost the perspective of what this really is. It is basicaly stuntriding for very skilled riders who really deserve better than this. 

In that perspective I can not understand how the juging works. 3 riders are amazing and all others are just mediocre? I do not think so. There is much talent out there.

I can not understand how this should positively inspire new riders. The few that survive the learning curve will probably not be selected anyway as they are not friends with the happy few. No one outside of the states will ever be able to bring a dig crew with them. I know some managed to do it but look at the flags. Only americans and canadians.

I do not like this selfsufficient show altough I am the biggeat fan of MTB. I think it is not about the riding.

I recon it is a nice ad for Utah but is it really worth it? 

I really think this show is the only exposure for some of the dudes out there. That may be the only reason they risk their life year after year. If they would be able to look into their wifes faces when they drop in they would probably not do it. But some rely on the $ and need the exposure.

I big shout out to Kyle. Heal up fast and quick! 


schrader wrote:
It’s worse than that. The riders are responsible for the flights and accommodation and food (except lunches) for their dig crews and themselves and don’t get...

It’s worse than that. The riders are responsible for the flights and accommodation and food (except lunches) for their dig crews and themselves and don’t get paid at all if they don’t get an award or podium. They also don’t get any insurance coverage from red bull I’ll. If they get hurt it’s on them. I wouldn’t be surprised if we don’t see a lot of these guys pull out next year if Disney still has control of the production. Hopefully they can pull together and make their own thing happen that’s not affiliated with rampage at all. I’d pay to watch a rider-controlled free ride event. 

Rol wrote:
If it really is so the riders should quit the show imediately and leave the red wings alone. Fuck them. Risking ones life for free for...

If it really is so the riders should quit the show imediately and leave the red wings alone. Fuck them. Risking ones life for free for a show can not be an option for anyone and for sure not for the pro riders. But I can not understand how they can accept these conditions anyway. They must somehow have even less thougt out there own situation than some here have. 

That master and slave situation with the few sponsors in freeride are inacceptable in a billion dollar milieu, where e-bikes are the future for carrying around the belly happily gained due to the consumption of suger drinks, and where noone really makes money. Apart from the owners of the brands. The only think that counts is the buissness, no moral or ethics. MTB is too close to the real word.

The situation of the sport must be really bad for those who are not on the social media train. Real skills are underrated and that must change! But the younger generation do not look up to racers anymore. They look up to fame and media attention, not knowing what are the downsides of it.

One of the most stupidest thing I still can not believe is that in most action sports body armors are not been worn by the pros and the kids do the same. Brits in Morzine riding super fast and sketchy in polo shirts with no knee armor or body protection, just with a light helmet are only good for the local hospital as they bring in a lot of cash. They are not good for anyone. The want to be like the pros who do not wear protection either. And so do the kids. We raise a generation of handicaped people with this behavior.


Sorry. I went to far but sometimes it must be said.

A few of them wear neck braces, but I know what you mean. They're wearing less armor than they did in their 20's, riding rampage in their late 30s.

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