17 Questions - Josh Bryceland 12
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Josh Ratboy Bryceland may arguably be the most enteraining World Cup downhill racer of modern times. His free, natural style paired with elite-level talent led him to top of downhiling's most coveted podium. Rat takes a break from the rigors of racing but can't escape the dreaded 17 Questions. Enjoy. We know you will.
The Questions
Did you ever actually drink Monster? Are you going to watch World Cup webcasts? Who’s going to win Lourdes? Will you run plus-sized tires now that you’re “retired”? Who’s idea was it for you to be the yoga stoner guy for the Syndicate video? Who had the hardest time keeping a straight face filming that video? Would Bowman or Sven win in a wrestling match? What’s up with 50:01? Is the FOX video gonna be sweet? If you were stranded on a desert island and had to take Voreis or Cam McCaul, who would you take and why? Tell us something about Greg Minnaar that he wouldn’t want us to know. You can’t play the hippie I-don’t-hate card here: Who did you hate getting beaten by at a World Cup? Do you ever think it’s crazy that you’re the last person to win a World Cup DH on 26-inch wheels? When you come to SoCal for the FOX movie, will you consume energy drinks? Rank the following from worst to best - Skinsuits, no visor or 29ers in downhill? If you could race a World Cup anywhere in the world, where would it be? Wouldn’t you rather be training for that World Cup right now than answering these dumb questions?
Check out Josh's Santa Cruz V10cc DH bike
Hard to believe it's been 6 years since Ratboy's last 17 Questions!
John Lawlor / gordo
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