Kelly McGarry Crashes Hard in China 35
Things took a turn for the worse in China. Kelly McGarry gets into trouble trying to slow down for one of the massive stair hucks at the Tianmenshan Red Bull event, and ends up taking a massive huck to flat and detonating on impact. From Kelly himself: "Hey team thanks for the messages, I'm all good, munched my foot a bit and got two cuts on arm totalling 7 stitches. Brakes cooked and pulled to the bar half way down course ( 1000 ft of 50 degree stairs + 97 kg bloke at race pace) ...was on a runaway train ...Scary moment for sure .Stoked to be ok. Cheers".
Heal up big man!
MTB Mag India has this shot of McGarry's bike...pretty similar to the Rampage carnage he inflicted in 2014!
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