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Was this the greatest downhill mountain bike race ever? Steve Peat thinks so, and he's seen almost every one of them! The final race of the 2019 UCI Mountain Bike World Cup Downhill season concluded in Snowshoe, West Virginia, with Danny Hart taking the race win and Loic Bruni narrowly edging out Amaury Pierron for the World Cup Overall Championship of 2019. Loic would need a third place finish to keep the overall if Amaury won the race. Amaury was leading the race with an early run that seemed unbeatable. Loic dropped in and ended up in 3rd place by 1.5 seconds at the time with only Danny Hart remaining. If Danny landed in 2nd, Amaury would win the overall. If Danny won the race or finished 4th or less, Loic would win the overall. Danny's split times were so close the entire way down his run, that until he crossed the line, no one was sure what the outcome would be. Danny eventually beat Amaury by just .656 seconds, winning the race and leaving Loic with the title.

Tracey Hannah earned the women's overall championships victory, but not after Marine Cabirou took the race win, forcing Tracey to be mistake-free within a tight threshold. If Marine won the race, Tracey would have to finish 7th or better. Tracey ended up finishing 5th with just a few seconds to spare and earned the overall victory.

***For the best viewing experience, hit "one page" mode at the top, start the audio and cruise the incredible photos by the squids!***


(If you hit the bulleted list icon in the player, you can jump to specific rider interviews)

Rider Interview Table of Contents

  • 1:32 - Steve Peat
  • 5:16 - Loic Bruni
  • 11:38 - Amaury Pierron
  • 20:30 - Eddie Masters
  • 22:05 - Laurent Delorme, Loic's Team Manager
  • 23:34 - Tracey Hannah
  • 29:40 - Danny Hart
  • 33:41 - Marine Cabirou
  • 35:20 - Charlie Harrison
  • 41:58 - Dakotah Norton
  • 42:56 - Bruce Klein
  • 45:04 - Thibaut Daprela
  • 46:51 - Myriam Nicole
  • 48:10 - Troy Brosnan
  • 51:43 - Chris Kilmurry
  • 55:05 - Veronika Widmann
  • 56:04 - Greg Minnaar
  • 59:52 - Loris Vergier
  • 1:03:26 - Luke Meier-Smith
  • 1:04:43 - Greg Williamson
  • 1:06:20 - Thomas Estaque
  • 1:07:14 - Dean Lucas (Nicest guy in Downhilling?)
  • 1:10:54 - Finn Iles
  • 1:16:11 - Kye A'hern

Vital can't thank enough, Sven, Boris, Dan and all the media squids who captured the World Cup Downhill circus this season! You make us feel like we're there. -gordo

That was the tightest and most exciting World Cup finals in a long time. Loic looking up before crossing the finish line, trying to check the clock for his time. The only problem? There was no clock for the riders to see at this race. @maddogboris
The double champ. Not done since Sam Hill in 2007. -Sven Martin
Loic with the hardware. Rainbow Jersey and Crystal trophy. What's next? Rampage? Wow. -Sven Martin
Amaury Pierron laid down a run that looked pretty much unbeatable. The way he crushed the last section especially was amazing to watch. It almost was... until the last rider down. -Dan Hearn
Amaury on the final stretches. Oh so, so close to that overall. Missing the title by just one half of a second after a year of racing. Heart-breaking. -Sven Martin
I could feel the vibration in my feet when Dany hit the berm at the end of the steep chute. @maddogboris
Danny Hart with the turbo on the final split to steal the race win from Amaury and thus gift Loic the overall title. Can't make this shit up. -Sven Martin
One of the most tense finishes to a season in the history of downhill. Loic Bruni was reliant on Danny getting 1st place or lower than 3rd in order to take the overall title. -Dan Hearn
A second back at split 3 and yet Danny Hart pulled back 1.6 seconds to take the win by 0.6. He must have done something exceptional in the last section of track. A long time coming, that's for sure. -Dan Hearn
Danny Hart finally getting the win he's been so close to all year long! -Sven Martin
Danny Hart will be a father by the time we return in 2020 (Daddy Hart), but we can be sure he will be hungry for another win after such a sensational World Cup finals win. -Dan Hearn
Yes Danny! What an end to a crazy year, finishing on one of the most exciting tracks yet. -Sven Martin
Loic has a lot to thank Danny for. Bliss! -Sven Martin
All eyes on Loic! @maddogboris
Even if it's just Loic racing his bike down a hill, it's still a major team effort to become the champion. @maddogboris
Tracey Hannah was on a different line than all others girls in the Rockgarden. 5th place, hanging on by a thread into 1st place overall! Mental toughness was hers today. Congrats Tracey. @maddogboris
Marine Cabirou was the only woman to jump the triple and it paid off by gaining here two seconds on the clock and a big win! She has really stepped it up this year huge. -Sven Martin
Marine digging deep on the final corner. -Sven Martin
The racing has been absolutely nail-biting this year. Had Tracey finished one spot lower the title would have been Marine's. -Sven Martin
The american Fans delivered an amazing atmosphere and vibe! You guys rock @maddogboris
It takes a family and team to get titles. Well done to all the hard work Polygon UR. -Sven Martin
Signature Mick Hannah show. No jump too tough for Mick. -Sven Martin
Thibaut Daprela making up for his World Champs mechanical with a solid six-second win margin. It won't be too long until we see him pushing for an Elite podium as he moves up in 2020. -Sven Martin
Thibaut Daprela told us that he would put everything into his run, and so did he! Ready to race with the Elite Men next year, he will mixing up the results as we know them. @maddogboris
Veronika Widmann rode strong and took third place in finals. -Dan Hearn
The moment Veronika Widmann realized she'd moved from 4th to 3rd in the overall! She's had a hell of a season. -Dan Hearn
Anna Newkirk laying it all on the line in her race run, getting a bit looser than normal. It paid off with a 2nd place on home turf. #USDH -Sven Martin
Sean Leader, the Snowshoe course builder and future U.S. President? -Mickey Denoncourt
Double thumbs for Thomas Estaque who took 8th, his best result of the year. -Dan Hearn
Bruce Klein stuck at it and brought the goods. A 16th place to finish off the year is a great place to be. Yeww!! #USDH -Dan Hearn
25% of the Top 20 are #USDH riders! Luca Shaw laying down some horsepower on the last few metres of track. -Dan Hearn
The fans went crazy when Charlie Harrison arrived in the finish area! Well-deserved 3rd place for him. #USDH on fire! @maddogboris
This one will stick in the memory banks. Charlie Harrison, 3rd place on home soil. #USDH -Dan Hearn
Veronika Widmann sending it into third on the day and in the overall. Her results are starting to come along nicely now. -Sven Martin
Crystal, chainsaws and champagne. Who would have thunk (redneck for "thought")? But in MTB it's a match made in heaven (or hell) come finals day. -Sven Martin
Kye A'hern broke his wrist the morning of the race and did not compete. The newly crowned World Champion literally arrived at the podium straight from the hospital mid-ceremony. His fellow competitors helped dress him for the photo. You can't script this. -Sven Martin
Kye will come back strong for next season. -Sebastian "the Hoff" Schieck.
Vali Höll's last race run as a junior! She finished her second season with a second overall title and World Champs win. The future is bright and with so many Junior women moving up to Elites next season, the battles will just get closer! @maddogboris
Green all the way for Vali Höll, who took the win and her second overall World Cup title. -Dan Hearn
Welcome to Elites, girls. -Sven Martin
'Murica. -Sven Martin
Thanks guys for battling it out for us so hard all year. The best year of racing in quite a few years. All worthy of the crystal trophies. -Sven Martin
Is this the lowest race-run speed tuck in MTB history? Troy just missed the podium with a 6th place. Still stoked about his 3rd place overall and ready to head home for a break after 10 weeks on the road. @maddogboris
Mille Johnset on her way to third place in the race and also third place overall @maddogboris
Some of the best and most knowledgeable fans of any World Cup round this year, super friendly and super hospitable. -Sven Martin
Country roads. Take me home. All the staff and crew killed it this week and put on an epic event! It's been a pleasure West Virginia! -Dan Hearn
American Matthew Sterling ended up 4th in Snowshoe. #USDH @maddogboris
Lucas Cruz with a strong end-of-the-season finish and another podium in 3rd. -Sven Martin
Janosch Klaus staying above the holes in one of the many rock gardens on the lower reaches of the track. -Sven Martin
Connor Fearon with a top 15, he always goes well in the USA. -Sven Martin
#USDH convert? Kiwi, Matt Walker flies the flag. -Sven Martin
Greg Williamson back up to speed after a mid-season concussion. Seventh place, less than a second off the podium. -Sven Martin
5 Americans in the top 16. Impressive stuff. Bruce Klein realizing his potential. #USDH -Sven Martin
Greg Minnaar with yet another podium among a sea of younger riders. 2.3 seconds off the win but back in 5th place in what may be the most competitive World Cup DH environment of all time. -Sven Martin
Dakotah Norton with the panshot on his way to 9th place. He finished the season with a 15th overall. #USDH @maddogboris
Hells Yeah! Thanks America. -Sven Martin
Dean Lucas with a solid 10th place in America and also a 10th place overall. He may also have the coolest hair while being the nicest guy on circuit. @maddogboris
Off season! -Sven Martin
Good to see we have some fast 1st-year juniors to keep the pace high with the likes of Seth Sherlock and second-place finisher here, Luke Meier-Smith. -Sven Martin
Junior, Luke Meier-Smith ready for more in 2020. @maddogboris
Tahnee waiting for the clock to let her go. -Sven Martin
Joey Foresta , 7th place and second-fastest #USDH shredder! -Sven Martin
Up Pompon goes to cheer for Amaury mid-course after her 2nd-place run. -Sven Martin
Tahnee doing her best Danny Mac impression off the final Red Bull drop into fourth. -Sven Martin
Greg didn't manage to stop in time on the short finish area and slammed into the signs, but it was worth it for the podium. -Sven Martin
While the flower ceremony happens, Loic gets all the attention. A race within the race this weekend. -Sven Martin
Photographer Keith "Phunkt" Valentine retired today after 17 years of MTB race photography. He is an icon of the sport, doing things his way. Have a scope of his amazing Flickr library and buy him a cigar, whiskey or cider if you see him out there in the pastures. At 53 years young he has done a huge service to the sport. -Sven Martin
Peaty congratulating the 2019 overall winner. If Peaty thinks this was the greatest race ever, it is. Fact. @maddogboris
Each team has their own way to enjoy america! @maddogboris
Thank you guys for such an incredible season! @maddogboris
Thanks Zach "MTBJesus" Falkner for the good times in Snowshoe. @maddogboris
That´s your new TV Host, Ed Masters, with support of his mechanic Kurt McDonald. @maddogboris
Myriam Nicole starting the day with a smile and finished it with a second place. @maddogboris
Unexpected present from Vali Höll while waiting for the Podium. @maddogboris
Aaron Gwin finished his season with a 13th place in Snowshoe. He will be back stronger next season! #USDH @maddogboris
Time to change the paint job. Winning is here! -Sven Martin
Early morning stretch for Pompon before it all begins. -Sven Martin
PomPon was looking the fastest in that rockgarden! Second Place for her. @maddogboris
Contrasting fortunes. -Dan Hearn
The G.O.A.T. reckoned this was one of the best finals he's ever witnessed. Such high emotions really made it a special one. -Dan Hearn
After a disappointing time at Worlds, Thibaut Daprela is over the moon to take the win at his last World Cup as a junior. He already had the overall secured, but this one still meant a lot. -Dan Hearn
Loris hasn't made a fuss about his wrist injury but it has been a constant nag for the last few races. His determination pulled him through and allowed him to keep 5th place in the overall. -Dan Hearn
The last person to take the World Champs title and the World Cup overall in the same year was Sam Hill. Not a bad name to join in the history books. -Dan Hearn
Two World Cup overalls go alongside two junior World Championships wins. Domination. We can't wait to see how Vali Höll settles into the elite field next year. -Dan Hearn
The last Elite Women World Cup Podium of the 2019 Season. @maddogboris
This one meant a lot to Tracey Hannah. She didn't leave much margin when she crossed the line in 5th - one spot lower and the overall would have been a different story. -Dan Hearn
We are so stoked for you Loic. @maddogboris
These two. True role models for the sport and still such good friends even after arguably the most tense and emotional finals we've ever witnessed. -Dan Hearn
Cheers America @maddogboris
And with that, the 2019 World Cup DH season is over. Thank you. Good night. @maddogboris
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Thank you to Sven, Boris, Dan and all the media that make these slideshows possible. Not only are you the biggest fans, you're the best at what you do!!! We're honored here at Vital to work with you! -Jack Rice
Peace out from us and thanks for checking out our slideshows, interviews and tech bits all year! We're stoked to be part of such a rad sport filled with some of the best and nicest sportsmen on the planet. -Dan Hearn
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