Murder by Numbers - Grant Robinson

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Hockey is the inspiration for Grant Robinson's Murder by Numbers...
Rob Warner, 666. 'Nuff said.
Foul conditions and a 666 file number. Quite fitting.
Olly Wilkins likes to be called Olly Wilkinson. 99 problems but steez ain't one.
Olly Wilkins, rendering Dirt covers.
99, Bernard Kerr, whipping on a borrowed bike. Nasty.
Number 17 has meaning and so does this photo. It's the first photo Grant had published and was the first time he'd used a digital camera. Sam Johnson, Jimmy Pratt and "Justin", circa 2005 or 2006.
Olly Wilkins reacting to someone calling him Wilkinson. This number 17 ran as a DMR ad and was ultimately banned by the Euro Ad Standards Committee on Banning Cool Stuff because it glorified knives.
Cous Cous in Whistler...a day Grant would like to forget.
Duncan Ferris file number 99 gets a huge Number 1 in our book. SICK!
Random, inpromptu photo shoot after in Are, Sweden. Murder by Numbers anyone?
Brendog's PR photo for his Scott team announcement.
You'll never get sponsored by a chainsaw company if you don't try.
Clay Porter filming bugs apparently. Such a good impression in the audio, LOL.
Gee Atherton's love/hate relationship status.
Gee Atherton putting it down on the Dirt 1:04 track.
Holy Hot Hope Heat treatment.
Sam Reynolds, newest member of the Polygon Bikes squad.
Orange frames before they're folded into Orange frames.
Testing grounds for Seb Yates, Olly Wilkins and Sam may have seen some insanity on this jump in 3 Minute Gaps.
Seb Yates, guinea pigging the big booter.
Ben Baker, with "west coast" mini-bike style.
Ben Baker wraps up Grant's awesome Murder by Numbers. Thanks grant! See more of his work at <a href="" target="_blank"><b><font color="#ffff00"></font></b></a>.
Intro Graphic
Photographers who have skills, but like to have fun stoke us out. Grant Robinson stokes us out. Enjoy a journey through his hard drives based on some of his favorite numbers.

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