Inside Guerrilla Gravity's Denver Headquarters, Plus a Sneak Peek of the New Megatrail All-Mountain Bike

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<b>Welcome to Guerrilla Gravity's new shop. Kristy, Matt and Will make things happen behind the scenes of this small but growing bike company.</b>
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It seems like just yesterday we were introducing the Vital audience to Guerrilla Gravity, a Colorado-based bike company that's staying true to their values, keeping it local, and creating some interesting new rides. Now they're making another big move, and this time it's into a new facility. We stopped by the shop on their opening night to see what it's all about. We also got a special preview of their new Megatrail all-moutain bike...

If you're ever in the area, give them a visit at 2031 Bryant Street. In addition to seeing where the frames are made, they also have a full retail shop with all the gear, components, and service you need to keep rollin'. Check out for more details.

Photos by Evan Rohrig
