Hope Technology Factory Tour

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Take a minute and get a quick look at Hope Technology in Lancashire, England, as they walk you through the process of building some of the nicest hubs on the market. Photos by Grant Robinson, writing by Seb Kemp
All hub shells start out as a forged block of aluminum.
The forged block is taken by robot into a 5-axis, twin-spindle lathe.
The raw hub shells are then hot-washed and air dried to remove contaminants.
The parts are then stored and pulled for anodizing when needed.
In a single year, Hope will anodize over 1.5 MILLION parts...all set up by hand.
The entire anodizing process requires a 10-tank process, from start to finish.
Laser etching removes only 10 microns of the anodizing for logos and graphics.
Finally, the 26 individual hub parts are hand-assembled for the finished product.
Hubs will either be built into a wheelset or sent out to the proper distribution channels.
In addition to the quality hubs, Hope also makes great brakes...but that's a different story. Thanks to Grant Robinson, Seb Kemp and the dedicated people of Hope Technology.
Intro Graphic
Hope Technology of Lancashire, England, takes you through their process of making some of the nicest mountain bike hubs on the market.

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