The World's Most Favorite Bike Trick? Find Out With Danny!
Following on from the success of Do a Wheelie, we go behind the scenes of Danny’s ambitious project to celebrate everyone’s favourite trick: THE WHEELIE. Can Danny bring his own flare to this iconic skill and land an ambitious new stunt, the wheelie front flip?
Danny MacAskill (@Danny_MacAskill)
Hans Rey (@Hansnowayrey)
Viola Brand (@Violalovescycling)
Send It Brad (@senditbrad)
Nay Whaaat ( @naywhaaat)
Lil Spartan
Ali Clarkson (@Ali_Clarkson)
And friends
"Danny MacAskill’s Wheelie Project" is a @CutMedia production
With thanks to adidas @fiveten
00:00 Introduction
00:49 The Wheelie Kids
04:33 Why is the Wheelie Iconic?
06:37 Viola Brand
09:28 Hans Ray
13:20 Ali Clarkson
15:05 The Wheelie Big Scene
16:04 The Wheelie Front Flip
Cut Media