The Green River Classic 2024
This Freeride MTB even was brought to you by In The Hills Gang and YT Industries.
This is the Mountain Bike event of all events, everyone is welcome no invite needed, Just camping and riding some of the best freeride spots in the world all in one location in Green River, Utah. I've been seeing the GRC progress every year and made it a must visit this year. It was everything I wanted in an event, Great weather, Tons of homies and good times riding bikes. There was a huge prize purse this year and the ITHG was giving out cash for sick tricks at every jam location. At the end of the event they crowned a King and Queen of the Castle with 2500$ for each. So rad seeing this underground event give back to the up and coming groms of freeride mtb. This is a must go to event and if you missed it this year don't miss it next year. Huge shout out to everyone who put on this event and I can't wait for the next one! Thanks for watching!