Dylan Stark Video Of The Year 2024 3

Every year I make a video with all my favorite clips from the year put together to good music and try to make something enjoyable to watch. In this video we have a mixture of X Games Real MTB footage along with extra angles. Some Swatch Nines and Dark Fest clips in the video and so much more, Lots of unseen clips thrown together to a song from Snake Mountain Revival, They were nice enough to let me use their music in my Real MTB video. When doing that video the time limit was so short so I wasn't able to use the full song. It is such an awesome video part song I had to use it in this years video, Make sure to check them out I'll link their page below. Huge shout out to all the filmers that contributed to this years mixtape, Some of the best filmers in the world behind the lens for this one. Sit back, turn the volume up and enjoy!

Credit: Dylan Stark