Top 5 Slopestyle Runs | Crankworx Innsbruck 2021 1

The 2021 Crankworx World Tour stop in Innsbruck was action-packed, with five major MTB competitions taking place on the Austrian hillside.

Emil Johansson is the man nobody in the slopestyle scene can match. The young Swede put in an incredible trick-heavy run, with both regular and oppo tricks, all linked with precision. Taking his fourth slopestyle win in a row, Johansson took home gold with a winning score of 97.5.

Second place was taken by Nicholai Rogatkin, who pulled an Opposite Cashroll on the final jump in his second run. "I feel amazing about the Opposite Cashroll,” said the American. “It’s a trick that I’ve worked really hard on. I worked on it for a couple of years and this is actually the first place I've ever done it on dirt, so it was a big relief that I could put a big, opposite manoeuvre in my run. That felt amazing."

Italian favorite Torquato Testa dropped into third after a strong first run that secured him 93.25. Torquato Testa had a super clean run with a double flip at the top of his line.

1st. Emil Johansson: 97.502nd. Nicholi Rogatkin: 95.503rd. Torquato Testa: 93.254th. Erik Fedko: 91.505th. Tim Bringer: 90.00

Credit: Red Bull

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