As Joyride quickly approaches, Drew Bezanson gets acquainted with his big bike at Crankworx Rotorua.
This week, Drew Bezanson gets a new toy as he unwraps his all new Trek Ticket S slopestyle bike and takes it for a test-drive at his hometown park Joyride 150 in Toronto. He’s quick to realize that there is plenty different about the new setup besides just the size of the wheels…
Even the simplest things like transitioning through jumps takes on a whole new feel on these new set of wheels. Hanging with the big dogs at Crankworx Rotorua, Drew gets his first taste of the contest scene and first ride on the official slopestyle course.
Getting some insight from slopestyle legends Sam Pilgrim, Max Fredriksson, Thomas Genon and Nicholi Rogatkin, Drew begins his quest for the magic number 1150 – the number of points he will need to accumulate to qualify for Red Bull Joyride.
“With BMX I’ve been able to win contests. I want to do the same thing in mountain biking, I want to do it the legit way and qualify it, so at the end of the day no-one can be like ‘Oh, he was just able to ride these contests because he rides for Red Bull.” - Drew Bezanson