THIS IS US - A MTB documentary ft. A.Pierron, M.Nicole, T.Daprela, H.Frixtalon & T.Estaque

As far as we’re aware, this is one of the first times that a documentary has been made on an entire downhill season! And it's far from just a season summary. It's a total immersion and a somewhat intimate insight into the life of riders who are very dear to us! It's touching to see the involvement of people behind the scenes. Touching to also see that success is not systematic, even with a lot of work, and to see the sacrifices made by these young riders. All this to succeed, to dream and above all, to make other people dream.For the first time, DH is not condensed into a few minutes broadcast on a race weekend. Come and take a look behind the scenes.Make yourself comfortable, turn the speakers up and watch the full hour and fifteen minutes!


Riders: Amaury Pierron / Myriam Nicole / Thibaut Daprela / Thomas Estaque / Hugo Frixtalon

Directed by: Gaetan Clary
Sound design: Leo Lunel
Photos: Nico Brizin / JB Liautard / Keno Derleyn

Credit: Commencal

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