On Track With Curtis Keene - The Time Has Come
Race # 8 of the Enduro World Series in Zona Zero, Spain once again reminds us of how competitive the sport of mountain bike Enduro has become.
From RedBull,
"A rider can control their training, they can control their bike set-up - but try as they might, a racer cannot control the clock. Race # 8 of the Enduro World Series in Zona Zero, Spain once again reminds us of how competitive the sport of mountain bike Enduro has become. With minuscule amounts of time separating the riders from either a podium position or being an "also-ran", the racers are forced to put aside the weather, the crashes and the abuse of their machines to push as hard as they can to make the clock stop.
Curtis Keene @curtiskeene @iamspecialized
Anneke Beerten @annekebeerten
Enduro World Series @world_enduro"
From RedBull,
"A rider can control their training, they can control their bike set-up - but try as they might, a racer cannot control the clock. Race # 8 of the Enduro World Series in Zona Zero, Spain once again reminds us of how competitive the sport of mountain bike Enduro has become. With minuscule amounts of time separating the riders from either a podium position or being an "also-ran", the racers are forced to put aside the weather, the crashes and the abuse of their machines to push as hard as they can to make the clock stop.
Curtis Keene @curtiskeene @iamspecialized
Anneke Beerten @annekebeerten
Enduro World Series @world_enduro"
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