Hard Days // Creating Trans-Cascadia
It’s impossible to not be completely worked after a day at Trans-Cascadia. And that’s not just the racers; volunteers, officials, timers, chefs, media—everyone puts in an equal effort. The final week is the culmination of years worth of work, too. Each race is proceeded by work weekends, months of scouting and many conversations with land managers and local community members. For the individuals behind Trans-Cascadia, putting on an epic, blind, trans-style backcountry stage race is the reward. Opening miles of singletrack and giving back to the Cascadian mountain bike community is the reason—and that’s a lot easier when everyone contributes.
Learn more about the Trans-Cascadia race by visiting their website.
A special thanks to Schwalbe Tires for making the video possible.
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Learn more about the Trans-Cascadia race by visiting their website.
A special thanks to Schwalbe Tires for making the video possible.
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