Camp Freeride with Cam McCaul and Friends

What better WAY to session your favorite desert zone than to load up bikes, tents, and some friends and call it a campout? What better TIME to camp out in the desert than the longest day of the year and call it a solstice session? After fixing up the big jump last week, my phone was buzzing from all the homies keen to check out the zone and drop some lines. For this desert trip, Dusty Wygle and I were joined by Kyle Jameson, Oatmeal, Drew Barber, and Ryan McNulty. John Reynolds held the video camera and the flying robot camera, while Trevor Lyden snapped the stills. There was even a dude who showed up to fly a racing drone around! Oh yeah, and Trevor brought a freeride dog that liked our roll-in. Good times had by all. It's going to be an insane summer. More stuff like this to come so...subscribe if you like fun things.

Thanks for watching!
