Beast Coasters 10 babee! Quinn Campbell, Knight Ide, Ryan McEvoy, Robbie Wait, and Henry Wilkins eat chips and sand pits in the lawless wonder of St. Johnsbury, Vermont. These industrial outcasts are drunken sandboxes and we're cowboys on recess.
We also take a moment to look back on all our previous episodes, because this is our 10th and holy shit how time flies. It's been funn and reaal. Thanks to everyone we've met, filmed and rode with along the way - you're what it's all about. The future is full of new exciting changes and we're stoked. Stay tuned. Turn and face the strange. Bowie 4 everr.
Beast Coasters: Marc Bryce, Quinn Campbell, Knight Ide, LSDV, Stephen Pope, Ryan McEvoy, Robbie Wait, Henry Wilkins
Music: De La Soul, Odd Nosdam, Splashh
Beast Coasters
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