The 404.crew was looking to explore new horizons to some of the best riding places. La Reunion was our first trip out of "France", I mean, technically it's still France, but still far! We hope this trip will be the first of a long worldwide series!
So, to celebrate our 1st year of existence as a team, we're proud to get this opportunity.
It's a real pleasure to show you guys here our work and passion between ride and lifestyle.
The story of the video:
Being able to travel with the crew was such a big dream. Annnnd here it is, our first big trip together. These couple of days on the Island were memorable between high mountains, volcano, lava floor, deep forest and a little bit of beach and party to close the week. Like I said, a dream :D .
"Nothing can beat good times shared with your friends, riding bikes, discovering new tracks and enjoying a different culture. 404 is rad, 404 is love."
Thanks for watching and see you soon for another trip
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