100 Miles in Moab on Flat Pedals With Vans 3

The White Rim Trail outside of Moab, Utah is one of the most beautiful trails in the U.S., unless you’re on the White Rim Trail trying to set a FKT (Fastest Known Time) on a mountain bike. That is when it becomes a torturous desert filled with endless miles of bone jarring rock, sand pits, and a seemingly endless climb out of the canyon floor at mile 87 that simply takes your breath away. 

We challenged Southern California’s Jared Lozonne to take on the legendary White Rim Trail, but this time, on flat pedals! You heard that correct. Many have tried to earn a FKT on White Rim, but to our knowledge no one has attempted the grueling 100 mile ride on flat pedals. Jared, armed with almost a gallon of hydration, a pair of high-top Vans shoes, and a set of Yoshimura Chilao pedals set out to establish a time and set the bar for all those who choose to take on the Flat Pedal Challenge in the future. 

Credit: Yoshimura