Spy Shot! Prototype FOX Air Downhill Shock 10

In the final episode of This Is Peaty, Steve Peat guides viewers through a tour of the FOX headquarters in Scotts Valley, California. When they enter the test lab, Peaty shows off one of FOX's latest projects - a prototype air shock unlike anything we've seen from the brand to date:

Steve Peat showing off a never before seen shock undergoing dyno testing. 'I think the ladies would love this room.'

Several features are clearly visible:

  • Shaft-side piggyback orientation (opposed to FOX's standard air sleeve orientation), similar to other air DH shocks currently on the market.
  • Dual high- and low-speed compression (blue) and rebound (red) adjustments similar to those first seen on Minnaar's 2013 World Champs bike. The spanner holes might allow quick access to damper circuits.
  • Increased negative air volume for better small bump compliance, something fox has been publicly playing with since 2013.
  • It's likely that you can adjust the air valve position for ease of access on many frames.
  • Judging by the slim appearance of the casting around the compression and rebound adjustments, weight was clearly a major consideration.
  • The overall refined look of the shock and adjustment dials suggest that it'll go into production soon.

The shock is another in a long line of prototype projects FOX has been working on for the past few years, and may be the first true air-sprung DH shock they've ever made. Keep an eye on Pro rider bikes involved in FOX's RAD program as the 2015 season kicks off, or watch www.ridefox.com for more details in the coming months. We've reached out to FOX for additional info and will update if they provide any.

You can catch the full This Is Peaty episode below. They enter the test lab around the 8:00 mark.


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