EGO-Kits Introduces the E-Powered DH Bike Kit 17

The German brand EGO-Kits recently released footage of its E-Powered Downhill Bike Kit (shown above on a Kona).  It certainly looks to be an interesting solution to pedaling your way to the top or shuttling.

The kit includes the following:
- 1200-watt aluminum motor that mounts below the downtube (compatible with 70% of DH bikes)
- Battery pack (which you carry in a backpack) and charger
- Bar mounted controller module
- Special crankset
- Short chain to connect to the motor assembly
- Twist throttle kit with battery indicator

Price and availability? To be determined.

Here it is in action:

Double-click to edit

Would you use one?  Has anyone ever used an alternative method to get to the top, like the Shuttle Buddy system?  Share your thoughts and opinions in the comments below.


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