Blog Post

Sunshine, riding and season insights with Kyle Strait

WARNING: This edit contains beaches, riding, talking and drinking beers - and it's more than 3 minutes long - insert shock horror emoji. If your attention span isn't completely shot from scrolling endlessly on Instagram, we think you're going to like it. If you need some encouragement, go grab a beer, whiskey or, if so inclined, make a cup of tea - and enjoy some of the good life of riding bikes.

Kyle talks about his plans for the season and recaps his week with the DHaRCO crew in Sydney. Check it out. 

Shelley Beach

Getting ready to ride in Sydney


Greenvalleys MTB Park

Kyle Strait hitting Greenvalleys MTB Park, South of Sydney

Strait Acres

Kyle's backyard and training grounds

Crankworx Rotorua 2018

Action from the Crankworx rotorua Speed and Style even in Rotorua, New Zealand. Credit: Fraser Britton / Crankworx 2018

Credit: Fraser Britton / Crankworx 2018

Credit: Fraser Britton / Crankworx 2018

Edit thanks to Matt Staggs Visuals

Special thanks to the riders: Kyle Strait, Duke Millington, Jake Newell, Jai Motherwell and Tyson Wyse. 

#dharco #noordinarylife #greenvalleysbikepark


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