Press Release

XFusion Shox Celebrates 25th Anniversary 1

Reflecting on the journey so far, and what still lies ahead.

XFusion Shox turns 25 this year, and we’re excited to celebrate with a special video that reflects on our journey and looks ahead to what’s next. Tune in as we take you on a trip down memory lane with some standout moments from our race team in the early 2000s and catch up with our current athletes, who are riding on our soon to be released forks: the Vengeance 38 and the RV1 29.

Keep an eye out for the official release of the Vengeance 38 and RV1 this fall. These new products represent the start of the next exciting chapter for XFusion Shox.

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Victor Duran & Xabier Rubio testing the new Vengeance 38 on the trails in La Rioja, Spain

For more information, visit our website at

Video Edit by Allout Productions
Photos by Zubiko Photography


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