March 17, 2023 – We are sad to announce that earlier this month Kasper Woolley sustained a Grade5 Spleen injury during a training in Vancouver North Shore. Unfortunately, this puts him out of the Enduro World Cup for the time being. YT Industries is committed to supporting him throughout this difficult period until he is fully recovered.

“The recovery process has not been the most fun so far. I spent 10 days in hospital getting a couple procedures done to save half my spleen. So far it's felt more like a bad illness than a regular injury. I will be able to return to low risk activity hopefully fairly soon but just have to go by feel. Unfortunately I am at high risk to do further damage if I were to fall on it again for at least 3-5 months. It is going to be a frustrating one because I am going to feel fine months before I am safe to ride normally again.” - Kasper Woolley, MOB Enduro Athlete
“While Kasper is recovering from surgery, we’re advising Kasper on all we can to support fast recovery - dialled innutrition, hydration and rest. Right now our primary concern is his heath and with the help of medical experts we’ll adjust our approach to align with the progress of his recovery. Before Kasper is back on the bike it is essential we get the all-clear from doctors. But before even considering riding, we’ll be working on a staged approach starting with basic movement and exercise to aid his recovery and avoid stagnation. Then when he’s ready, we have a great opportunity to build up his strength, an area he has struggled with in previous years. Building Kasper’s strength base will not only help his ability when he returns to riding but also protect him from future injury.” - Jonny Thompson, MOB Performance Manager
Please help us by wishing Kasper a quick recovery! Stay positive Kasper, and we’ll update you as we get more updates throughout his recovery.