Press Release

Win the New Ibis Mojo SL-R

The Short of It
Buy a $5 raffle ticket, get a chance to win the very first production Ibis Mojo SL-R delivered to anyone anywhere in the world. EVERY PENNY of the raffle proceeds benefit us at the Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship. The more tickets you buy the more feet of trail we get to build and more chances you have of winning this bike. The winner will be drawn at random on April 21st. The Mojo SL-R will be in the size and color the winner wants. To buy raffle tickets go To get all the info on the Mojo SL-R, go to

The Slightly Longer of It-Mills Peak!
This year, the raffle proceeds are specifically targeting the almost finished and totally excellent Mills Peak Trail, in the Lakes Basin above Downieville. Proceeds from the last Ibis raffle were used to buy an excavator that helped build most of this trail. It’s now 90% done and did we mention it is excellent? Oh yes we did. If we do say so ourselves, this is a trail that you must see, our crack team of trail studs has created a work of art disguised as a trail. It is really fun to ride. 

Why Ibis Supports SBTS
The health of the environment, the local community, and the economy of that local community are all tied together. Preservation of the environment in the area can lead to greater economic opportunities for the local community. The Sierra Buttes Trail Stewardship provides local employment and educational outreach to the local community. By employing Plumas and Sierra County residents (up to 15 full time trail builders) and maintaining the existing trail system, the Stewardship can sustain long-term recreational tourism, which in turn would benefit local families and businesses

Why You Should Buy Not One But Many Raffle Tickets
It’s simple math, the more tickets you buy, the more chances you have to win this Ibis Mojo SL-R. And more importantly, the more feet/meters/cubits/miles/light years of trails will get built as a result of your generosity.

How This Raffle Works
At the end of the raffle, each unique $5 donation will entered in the raffle. If you donate $20, you get four entries. We then go over to the very cool website and enter in all the ticket numbers, whereby selects one at random and WE HAVE OURSELVES A WINNER!

The Winner will be contacted by Ibis and we’ll get crackin’ on building your bike. You get to choose the color and size of the bike. 

You don’t need to be in the US of A to win. Entries are open to anybody. If you’re from outside the US we might have your help us with some of the shipping costs.

To buy raffle tickets, go to

To get all the info on the Mojo, go to