Western North Carolina is known for many things - flowing singletrack followed by rugged descents, miles of beautiful and serene country roads, seemingly endless gravel tracks… and really good beer.
A staple of that regional beer culture is the “small batch” brew. These are unique and interesting beers that are produced in limited quantities for a limited time. They give both the brewer and the beer lover a chance to try something new and have some fun with the beer that they love.
This year, in honor of the brewing heritage of western North Carolina, Cane Creek is offering our own small-batch series of products. Starting today, Cane Creek will offer our HELM MKII fork, Hellbender 70 headset, Hellbender 70 bottom bracket and crank preloader in a deep amber color we are calling IPA after the iconic brew. These products are available in extremely limited quantities and are only available factory-direct through canecreek.com.
Every order of a Cane Creek Small Batch IPA product will include a commemorative poster designed in the spirit of some of the great beer labels we’ve seen over the years. Orders over $200 will also include a pint glass featuring the same commemorative design.
Like the beers they are named after, these small batch products are expected to go quick so visit canecreek.com and get your order in today.