Press Release

New Management, More Racing for Gravity East Series 8

In its 9th season, and as the longest running gravity race series in the U.S., the Gravity East is officially under new management for 2015. Mike Hartlove, of The Racer’s Edge, and Steve Coleman of Gravity Soul, have formally taken the reigns. The two have plans to grow the series by adding a dual slalom format, increasing purses and prizes, and focusing more specifically on the East Coast’s mid-Atlantic region.

Action from the 2014 Duryea round of the Gravity East Series.

Mike Hartlove, who was part  of the original collective body of promoters who founded the GES in 2006, has witnessed Steve Coleman’s desire to put on great events in the dual slalom category through Gravity Soul. When presented with the opportunity to partner with Steve on the GES, Mike jumped at the chance. The two share a passion for the sport, and its lifestyle. Their roles will be carved out as follows:

New for 2015 is the support and integration of the Mid-Atlantic Cup (MAC) Dual Slalom races. One of the races in this series will combine with GES finals to give riders an opportunity to race dual disciplines on the same weekend. The dual slalom format is something Coleman and Hartlove have heard racers ask for in high demand. They are answering accordingly and are dedicated to growing the dual slalom genre along with the downhill race series.

Mike has also brought his long-standing relationship with Wisp Resort to the table for GES in 2015. Through Wisp, the Gravity East will leverage Monster Energy as a major GES sponsor. Monster will be providing product, clothing, and other give-a-away / prizes for podiums and raffle winners. When asked for specifics, Hartlove replied that Monster was able to provide a complete bike, boom box, hoodies, and cases of product to an event he threw announced last minute in 2014. With this as the precedent, he expects Monster / Wisp to step up big for 2015 considering the number of race participants GES will be bringing.

“The relationship with Wisp has huge potential for the GES. We have a contract with Wisp to grow their MTB park. The possibilities are infinite,” says Hartlove. “We are on the ground floor for developing this mountain to become a true MTB destination. Wisp has made their heavy equipment available at our disposal and also given us the most latitude in terms of what we want to build, link up, create, you name it. And they are big supporters of the dual slalom format.”

With Racer’s Edge being a long-time sponsored GT Co-factory team, Mike fully expects to bring GT Bikes to the table as well. “The goal is to solidify a deal to give away a complete bike at the GES finals this year,” says Hartlove. “We’ve also set a goal to have the cash and prize pool double by 2016. Fox Racing Shox recently agreed to delivering several forks plus soft goods to give away this year too. Our goal is to grow this series and make it the best we can possibly make it for the riders, spectators, sponsors and families alike. It’s all about putting on the best possible event, growing the sport, and providing as much value as we can for our sponsors, and especially our racers”

Also back for 2015 is the branding, PR, web and social media firm Vitamin, who has helped raise brand awareness for the GES since originally redesigning the series web site in 2013. For 2015, Vitamin will again be a presenting sponsor providing media relations, an updated look/feel for the web site, and web updates throughout the season. “We couldn’t be happier to see two proven guys like Mike and Steve at the helm of the GES,” said Vitamin COO Michael Karfakis. “These guys have the track record and the passion to make their vision for the GES come to life. We’re looking forward to being a part of it all.”

About Mike Hartlove
In 2000, Mike formed  The Racer’s Edge, an Elite MTB and BMX  race team. Over the  years, the team flourished and grew to be one of the top Pro teams in the country with sponsored riders such as Lars Tribus, Todd Bosch, Holly Kuhn, Derrick Nobman and Kevin Liebig. In 2002, Mike founded the Mid-Atlantic Cup Downhill Series and started building tracks at local venues in the Mid-Atlantic. By 2005, Mike was also being recognized for his success as a top promoter and track builder.

About Steve Coleman
Steve formed Gravity Soul, LLC. in 2010 to promote and facilitate riding of all types with an emphasis on gravity disciplines. The name “Gravity Soul” represents the feeling or momentary perfection achieved when riding passionately, almost effortlessly, over an entire run or section of trail. In 2011,  Gravity Soul  built its initial dual slalom track. Steve purchased and operated timing equipment, and started holding events in 2012.

2015 Gravity East Series Schedule

Downhill Series
#1 – April 26 – Massanutten Resort, Va.
#2 – May 3 – Dureya DH, Reading, Pa
#3 – August 23 – Blue Mountain, Pa.
#4 – Sept. 6 – Seven Springs, Pa.
#5 – Sept. 20 – Wisp , Md., Series Finals*

*Finals are a double points race – two-Run, combined-time format.

Saturday the 19th, Wisp will also host the 3rd round of the MAC Slalom Series. That same day just so happens to also co-inside with the Savage-Man Triathlon, which starts and ends at the resort….we expect this to provide a huge spectator draw for DH run #1 and slalom finals!

MAC  2015 – Slalom Race Schedule
#1 – June 13 – Wisp, Md.*
#2 – Sept. 19 – Wisp, Md.
#3 – Oct. 17 – Frederick, Md.**

*Short Track XC in the morning, Slalom in the afternoon, Beer, Food and Music ALL DAY!
**MAC Series Finals , double points – Gravity Soul Fall Festival and GES Awards Banquet.

2015 Gravity East Series Sponsors

  • MAXXIS – Title Sponsor
  • Spoke Apparel – Presenting Sponsor
  • Vitamin – Presenting Sponsor
  • Gravity Soul – Presenting Sponsor
  • Fox Racing Shox – Presenting Sponsor
  • The Racer’s Edge – Presenting Sponsor
  • Profile Racing
  • GT Bikes
  • Massanutten Resort
  • Wisp Resort
  • Seven Springs Resort
  • The Wheel Mill
  • DH Productions
  • Camp Three
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GES version of the Harlem Shake. Uhhhh...


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