Press Release

Julian Coffey Joins Kali Protectives

Julian Coffey, former publisher of Pinkbike and previous marketing director at Race Face, has signed on at Kali Protectives as the VP of Business Development.

Coffey, who after 5 years left Pinkbike in January of this year, will oversee brand management, sales and marketing for Kali Protectives, a California company known for their advancements in helmet safety technology.

“Kali makes the most advanced helmets on the market, and I want to be a part of that. Riders deserve to know about a company that consistently leads the way in safety,” said Coffey.

“These guys have offered game changing technology like Composite Fusion™ since 2008. They first offered rotational impact technology over four years ago. We’re talking about revolutionary processes and an approach to design that allows for up to a 40% reduction of g-force to your head during a crash. Kali simply is the only helmet you should be wearing.”

Kali Protectives started in a helmet test lab, as ex-aerospace engineer Brad Waldron made it his personal mission to eliminate the critical double impact forces found in traditional helmet construction. Kali has evolved into a company that drives innovative design, and makes a serious commitment to saving lives.

“Julian has been a Kali supporter from day one. We are releasing some extremely forward thinking technology in 2017, and in a very short time he has launched a new web site, opened fresh distribution channels and rolled out some successful initiatives to support those upcoming products,” said owner Brad Waldron. “We're stoked on our new teammate from British Columbia, I’m excited about what we have coming up and I love riding in Canada!”

Coffey is committed to taking Kali into its next phase and predicts global growth and a renewed support for Kali dealers, distributors, events and athletes. Kali Protectives is based in Morgan Hill, California and is distributed worldwide.