Press Release

Getting More People on Bikes - USAC and BGDB Team Up 1

USA Cycling and Black Girls Do Bike announce partnership to make cycling more accessible to women of color.

USA Cycling, the national governing body of cycling in the United States, and Black Girls Do Bike, an organization empowering women to take control of their mental and physical health through the bike, are proud to announce a partnership to support women of color with a passion for cycling.

The goal of the partnership is centered around establishing more comfortable places for cyclists in the sport and ushering new riders past barriers to entry and into the larger cycling community, especially women and girls of color.

The two organizations will collaborate on several strategic initiatives that span from getting women and children of color on bikes, to facilitating professional opportunities in the industry, to supporting a Black Girls Do Bike Racing Team.

“By championing efforts to introduce the joy of cycling to all women, but especially women and girls of color, we are affirming the truth that black girls do indeed bike! This partnership helps us better accomplish our goal of supporting a community of women of color who share a passion for cycling and we are looking forward to further expanding our reach and impact,” said Monica Garrison, Founder of Black Girls Do Bike.

The partnership with Black Girls Do Bike is meant to serve as an archetype for how USA Cycling hopes to support and serve clubs in the future. Consisting of initiatives that aim to bolster youth ridership, community participation and racing excellence, USA Cycling and Black Girls Do Bike aim to champion cycling in all facets of their shared areas of expertise.

“What Monica and the Sheros at Black Girls Do Bike have done in building a thriving community of cyclists serves as a masterclass in growing the sport and creating positive change through the bike” said Bouker Pool, Chief Commercial Officer of USA Cycling. “We at USA Cycling couldn’t be more excited to welcome this community and help them enjoy the sport however they wish.”

By sharing expertise and resources, as well as combining their communities, Black Girls Do Bike and USA Cycling hope to accomplish even more than the in-progress initiatives below.

Upcoming Initiatives

Black Girls Do Bike Racing Team

An initiative well underway, Black Girls Do Bike has plenty of members with a taste for speed and competition. With the help of USA Cycling, it is the organizations’ goal to field a racing team in 2021 for women of color to enter and excel in the competitive facets of cycling.

Free Membership

Beginning immediately, Black Girls Do Bike members are now able to access a free USA Cycling membership as a way for interested riders to easily access competitive sanctioned events.

Coaching Program

Being cognizant that representation is required in all facets of cycling, USA Cycling will be offering a program aimed at getting club members access to coaching certification programs to encourage further education and continue to build out a pipeline of cycling mentors.

Event Support

With 90 active chapters, Black Girls Do Bike does bike, a lot. These chapters organize rides all over the country and that means that there are plenty of opportunities for USA Cycling and Black Girls Do Bike to work together to make sure that events are as safe and successful as they can be. From educating new race directors, to providing access to insurance, permitting and promotion, be on the lookout for Black Girls Do Bike events near you.

Junior Team Support

Black Girls Do Bike and USA Cycling believe that the best way to introduce someone to cycling is early and often. That is why the two organizations will work together to create a junior team model that encourages youth participation, educates young cyclists and provides a viable path to a bright future in the sport.

Marketing Co-promotions

Black Girls Do Bike has been effectively appealing to riders who appreciate the joy that comes from riding a bike for years and is excited to lend their talents to USA Cycling to encourage participation in the sport with new riders. Be on the lookout for a series of “how to” videos to help welcome new riders to the sport!

For more information, please contact Bouker Pool at


With a mission to develop the sport of cycling in the United States and to achieve sustained international racing success, USA Cycling supports cyclists at all levels, from those just beginning in the sport to seasoned professionals. The organization not only identifies, develops and selects cyclists to represent the United States in international competition, but also supports amateur bike racing through grassroots development programs and the provision of critical infrastructure to run organized racing. USA Cycling is a proud member of the Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) and United States Olympic & Paralympic Committee (USOPC). Within the United States, USA Cycling is the national governing body for the sport of cycling and oversees the disciplines of road, track, mountain bike, cyclocross and BMX.


Black Girls Do Bike LLC was founded in 2013 with the mission of supporting and growing a community of women of color who share a passion for cycling. BGDB organizes rides and promotes skill sharing, all the while seeking to empower women to take control of their mental and physical health. BGDB has created a network of 90 interconnected chapters woven together by riders of all skill levels from Anchorage to Antigua. With some 140+ Sheroes, BGDB is filling a void in the larger cycling community and creating lady leaders.  BGDB encourages bike advocacy, education, volunteerism, and safety in all communities and corners of the world.


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