We dig Easton wheels. We really do. Unfortunately some of the older hubs were plagued with bearing issues after extended use. Today they introduced a hub upgrade kit for M1 rear hubs used in EC90 XC, EA90 XC, EC70 Trail, Haven, Haven Carbon, Havoc and EA90 XD wheels. The Bearing Spacer Kit will be available late February 2013 free of charge for existing M1 rear hubs and is included as a running change in all M1 hub-equipped rear wheels shipped after mid-February.
Get the full scoop from Easton Cycling Brand Manager Dain Zaffke in this vid:
Easton M1 rear hubs are used in EC90 XC, EA90 XC, EC70 Trail, Haven, Haven Carbon, Havoc and EA90XD wheels. The Bearing Spacer Kit consists of an internal bearing spacer, a new set of bearings, a new end cap and there are installation tools available as well. They will be available free of charge to retrofit existing M1 wheels and can be installed by Easton distributors, retailers, or competent home mechanics (that's you!). The Bearing Spacer will also be included as a running change to all M1 hubs starting mid-February 2013.
Need help determining if your wheels are do for the upgrade? Here's a tech bulletin describing what to look for. Request your upgrade kit here.
How do you do it? Scott Junker runs you through the operation in this video (or in this print version). Seems pretty simple, yeah? We've got a few set of hoops that could use the upgrade and plan to bang it out ourselves in the near future.
Hooray for improvements, especially when they're at no charge! Cheers Easton.
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